.ME of course

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Archive for Examples

Premium Verb.Me Results

Sedo has just closed numerous Premium.Verb.Me auctions, this blog featured a month ago, raising in total $152,290 on 29 domain names (average price $5,251). As usual, the last day was quite vivid with most of the prices doubled and best bids revealed just in the last few minutes. Results are as follows: rock.me – $12,000 […]


Apple, having a very good name in marketing and branding, got it right when it named its new mobile platform “mobile me”. Ititial.ly, people talked about “mobile.me”. The rumours even had it that Apple has secured the Montenegrin domain for pretty high sum. However, mobile.me is still not schedule for the premium auction and Apple […]


Few university students some when back in pre-dot-me 2007 have launched a site globalme.org but named it Global.Me. It is either that they didn’t know about .Me or did not manage to overbid Ben Van Dyk, who acquired the domain in August 2008 for decent $709.98. The real Global.Me is just featuring Global.TV. Shame, but […]


As found by Taras of GrowRich.Me, a full page ad in today’s London City A.M. was featuring iBall.me. It is good to know that a popular British web site iBall.iii.co.uk is now hosted on iBall.me. Considering that iBall.com is redirecting to “David & Fatima, A Forbiden Love” movie, iBall.me is probably the best choice indeed […]

Buy Me

As seen in West London, Harper & Tweedie, Property Portfolio Management, is featuring its properties under “buy me” slogan: They wish they registered buy.me domain, which was already bought by Italian Register.it S.p.A. These days, good names are scarce indeed. While buy.me is still parked, buy.it is already a well developed portal in Italian. The […]

Pick Me

London is full of “ME” advertisement, a great place indeed. With big sales coming soon, BAY trading company hanged out big “PICK ME” posters: This all give a good pole position to pick.me domain. Another one to consider is try.me – also a premium one. Both names are reserved by the registry and not released […]

Little me

Web site for baby clothes branded as “Little me” is hosted at Littleme.com of course. But wouldn’t it look more prettier as Little.me? Now they have to joint-venture with Adam Eisner. Or maybe it is Adam who should leverage his domain into something bigger than a parked one: At Little MeĀ®, a division of Mamiye […]

Premium Verb.Me

Domain.Me, the registry, has announced new series of premium auctions. This time they offer 29 English verb+me combinations, all from top 3000+ words: add.me bet.me book.me clean.me compare.me discount.me download.me drink.me employ.me film.me join.me locate.me manage.me market.me message.me order.me pay.me pick.me power.me print.me promote.me remember.me reward.me ring.me rock.me sell.me support.me tell.me test.me Plus six Serbian […]

M.E. – My Education …

Thanks to Mark Kolb of Rewarding.me, the rumour has it here in Europe too, that a website MyEducation.Me is being heavy.ly promoted in Canada: on MSN Messanger, daily tele ads… The ad script goes as following (original video can be found on http://myeducation.me/flash/collegevideo.swf): – It’s about my future. – I’ve got goals. – I want […]

Trust Me

A new book “Trust Me” is featured in many London bookshops: Although, the concept is millenia old. Amazon itself displays some 50+ “trust me” items. The International Movie Database also has few dozens of products of “trust me”. All said, a nice title indeed, but how do you monetise on such a domain? Maybe by […]

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