.ME of course

Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget

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Premium Verb.Me

Domain.Me, the registry, has announced new series of premium auctions. This time they offer 29 English verb+me combinations, all from top 3000+ words:

  • add.me
  • bet.me
  • book.me
  • clean.me
  • compare.me
  • discount.me
  • download.me
  • drink.me
  • employ.me
  • film.me
  • join.me
  • locate.me
  • manage.me
  • market.me
  • message.me
  • order.me
  • pay.me
  • pick.me
  • power.me
  • print.me
  • promote.me
  • remember.me
  • reward.me
  • ring.me
  • rock.me
  • sell.me
  • support.me
  • tell.me
  • test.me

Plus six Serbian premium domains:

  • dodaj.me (add.me)
  • izaberi.me (choose.me / elect.me)
  • kupi.me (buy.me)
  • uporedi.me (remind.me / warn.me)
  • zapamti.me (remember.me)
  • zaposli.me (send.me)

Dutch variations of the above verbs are, alas, all taken. Few more bucks to rescue poor Montenegrin economy.

The auctions site can be found on Sedo.

All references: [1 - 4]

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One Response to “Premium Verb.Me”

  1. 1
    Premium Verb.Me Results « .ME of course:

    […] has just closed numerous Premium.Verb.Me auctions, this blog featured a month ago. As usual, the last day was quite vivid with most of the prices doubled and best bids revealed just […]


