This weblog (a.k.a. DotMeOfCourse, Dot-Me-Of-Course, Dot.Me.Of.Course, etc; shortened to!b), dedicated to Montenegrin domain names, is run by the partners of Brands-and-Jingles (FB, Twitter), whose team gathers and discusses the news about jingling .ME domains and all related buzz.
At Brands-and-Jingles we believe that .ME ccTLD has a bright future and will shift few paradigms in on-line as well as off-line marketing and advertising.
On this blog the readers will find our up-to-date industry overviews, trends and in depth analysis of top .ME domains.
Should you have any queries regarding this web site or .ME industry, our consultants will be glad to answer your questions. Please send us your message using this form. Visiting journalists are welcome to submit their articles as well as sponsors wishing to advertise on this blog.
Brands-and-Jingles team members will make sure you receive your advice as soon as possible.
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