.ME of course

Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget

.ME of course RSS Feed


Apple, having a very good name in marketing and branding, got it right when it named its new mobile platform "mobile me". Ititial.ly, people talked about "mobile.me". The rumours even had it that Apple has secured the Montenegrin domain for pretty high sum.

However, mobile.me is still not schedule for the premium auction and Apple had no other choice but to go with less sexy address: mobileme.com is now forwarded to apple.com/mobileme and iPhone users receive e-mails to addresses like john@me.com.

john@mobile.me would be much better jingle. However, if Montenegrin government waits another year, Apple will probably lose the interest in mobile.me at all and press on anyone trying to infringe its trade marked names (it has already filed for seven of them with the United States Patent and Trademark Office).

E.g., mobileme.com.au is currently put down:

Sorry, the page you requested doesn't exist or has been moved.
Please check your request URL.

.mobi fans should notice that neither apple.mobi nor mobile.mobi are operational. So much about mobile TLD.

An interesting fact: BioSentient Corporation filed for "mobileme" trademark back in 2003 but abandoned it in 2005. It is now elbow biting as that particular name could bring it millions.

All references: [1 - 2]

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4 Responses to “Mobile.Me”

  1. 1
    Planet ME « .ME of course:

    […] long ago, Apple has launched its “mobile me” product, hosted currently on me.com. N.B. mobile.me is not released yet. The closer one could get on […]

  2. 2
    Brand manager:

    Mobile.Me is good. So is Phone.Me. Let’s us also not forget about jingling Mobile4.Me and Phone4.Me.

    After the recent scandal (reference: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/8102536.stm), British Phones4u company should now seek some rebranding.

    Phones4.Me maybe?

  3. 3
    Лариса Михась:

    Apple not so in love with .me – it has both ipod.me and iphone.me and yet those even don’t resolve…

  4. 4

    Apple decided to phase out the project:

    Looking for MobileMe?

    MobileMe is no longer accepting new subscribers. If you’re a current member, you can still access everything as usual through June 30, 2012.
    Current members log in here


