.ME of course

Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget

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Pick Me

London is full of "ME" advertisement, a great place indeed. With big sales coming soon, BAY trading company hanged out big "PICK ME" posters:

This all give a good pole position to pick.me domain. Another one to consider is try.me - also a premium one. Both names are reserved by the registry and not released yet.

Some hackers have registered p-i-c-k.me and t-r-y.me. The former is forwarded to farm.tv. But who would type it in anyway?

Then, other two fine jingles to consider:

  • try.its.me
  • pick.its.me

The latter is still available for registration. Though, as usual in the domain world: the shorter and the jinglier - the better.

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One Response to “Pick Me”

  1. 1
    Try me, re-use me and remember me « .ME of course:

    […] London because “Me” marketing real.ly works in this city. A month ago we have discussed pick.me and […]


