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Posts tagged London

I love you. I will wait for you. Come back, come back to me…

British advertisers don’t stop providing us with the best “me” slogans. This time it is an outdoor posters for Film Office: Know Your Lines: mysterious and romantic drama about war Film: Atonement, 2007 Director: Joe Wright Novel: Ian McEwan Screenplay: Christopher Hampton Released: 7th of September 2007 (UK) IMDB: 7.9 In fact, this is another […]


Another example from London Tube, advertising police community support officers: I wonder how long will it take for careersplus.me or policejob4.me to be picked up? With jobs4.me, a well recognised slogan in various countries, let’s give it another year.

I’m a PC – and it’s all about me

Taken in the city of London. Actual.ly, this advertisement is everywhere, in the tube, in the buses, on the street, loos… Microsoft is trying to catch up and restore its image, final.ly. The Economist was writing about this campaign already back in September (see Advertising: Postmodern wriggle). Although, in London they decided to feature other […]

“This is Me” exhibition comes to More London

“This is Me” is a collection of photos and stories from Mencap’s annual Snap! competition and will be on display at More London Riverside from 17 December until 8 January 2009. Every picture is by or of someone with a learning disability. It is a cellebratory collection of images that aims to make the visitor […]


