.ME of course

Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget

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Archive for .ME

Why .ME is Montenegrin?

A lot has been said about .ME domains, but why is it Montenegrin country-code Top Level Domain (ccTLD)? Wouldn’t it be more logical to assign .CG to the country, as it’s original name is Crna Gora (Black Mountain)? A bit of history: former Yugoslavia used .YU domain, which is now being phased out. Within Yugoslavia, […]

.ME enjoys the highest CAGR

Among those ccTLD and gTLD launched after 1999, .ME has the highest Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) with unbeatable 210,138% when measuring pages indexed by Google: TLD (Country) Launched CAGR .ME (Montenegro) 2007 210,138% .RS (Serbia) 2006 27,878% .ASIA 2006 12,264% .EU (European Union) 2005 10,495% .CAT 2005 8,284% .MOBI 2005 7,720% .AX (Aland Islands) […]

Buy Me

As seen in West London, Harper & Tweedie, Property Portfolio Management, is featuring its properties under “buy me” slogan: They wish they registered buy.me domain, which was already bought by Italian Register.it S.p.A. These days, good names are scarce indeed. While buy.me is still parked, buy.it is already a well developed portal in Italian. The […]

Pick Me

London is full of “ME” advertisement, a great place indeed. With big sales coming soon, BAY trading company hanged out big “PICK ME” posters: This all give a good pole position to pick.me domain. Another one to consider is try.me – also a premium one. Both names are reserved by the registry and not released […]

Little me

Web site for baby clothes branded as “Little me” is hosted at Littleme.com of course. But wouldn’t it look more prettier as Little.me? Now they have to joint-venture with Adam Eisner. Or maybe it is Adam who should leverage his domain into something bigger than a parked one: At Little MeĀ®, a division of Mamiye […]

Premium Verb.Me

Domain.Me, the registry, has announced new series of premium auctions. This time they offer 29 English verb+me combinations, all from top 3000+ words: add.me bet.me book.me clean.me compare.me discount.me download.me drink.me employ.me film.me join.me locate.me manage.me market.me message.me order.me pay.me pick.me power.me print.me promote.me remember.me reward.me ring.me rock.me sell.me support.me tell.me test.me Plus six Serbian […]

M.E. – My Education …

Thanks to Mark Kolb of Rewarding.me, the rumour has it here in Europe too, that a website MyEducation.Me is being heavy.ly promoted in Canada: on MSN Messanger, daily tele ads… The ad script goes as following (original video can be found on http://myeducation.me/flash/collegevideo.swf): – It’s about my future. – I’ve got goals. – I want […]

Trust Me

A new book “Trust Me” is featured in many London bookshops: Although, the concept is millenia old. Amazon itself displays some 50+ “trust me” items. The International Movie Database also has few dozens of products of “trust me”. All said, a nice title indeed, but how do you monetise on such a domain? Maybe by […]

Global Sensation – .ME Hits 200,000 Registered Domains

Podgorica, Montenegro – Feb. 10, 2009 – Domain.me – The Internet’s most popular new domain name extension, .ME, now includes a portfolio of two-hundred thousand names registered worldwide. New TLD Maintains Momentum & Hits Major Milestone with Help Worldwide This makes .ME the fastest growing new ccTLD launch on record! OpenDoor.ME, registered in Fukuoka, Japan, […]

Verb.Me vs Noun.me etc

Important things first: this article does not talk in search engine optimisation language, but branding. Let us have a look on .Me from marketing prospective. Dutch.Me makes sense only in verb+me combination, e.g., Ontdek.Me (Discover.Me) and Reserveer.Me (Book.Me). Some of English Noun.Me are good, Coral.Me, Continent.Me, Ski.Me, Snow.Me, Sun.Me, … keep them. They will pop […]

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