.ME of course

Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget

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While Formspring.me still remains the first .me site world-wide, its ranking are drifting and the new kids on the block are trying to take a bit of the market. A new name on the blog is Clamber.me:

IWL.ME – I write like – enjoys 100 000 hits per day

On the second day of its existence of “I Write Like” was visited by 12,000 people. On the third day of its existence – a hundred thousand. New tweets mentioning IWL appear about every five seconds, Facebook is buzzing, badges appear on blogs every minute.


With 1,360,000,000 hits on Google any “star” jingle can be a star. No wonder domain name Star.Me received a 10,000 euro bid and is now being auctioned on Sedo.

Reward Me by The Mall

British The Mall got it right:


Following up on the sale of design.me, which went for US$ 9,250 last May, LEGO is using three “me” jingles at once: DREAMT by ME, BUILT by ME, DESIGN by ME. So it would be more logical to have the last one as DESIGNED by ME, just to fit in the semantical row.

Google Me

Google is desperately trying to get into social media. Orkut, Google Wave, Google Buzz, … all nice tries, but no big game at the moment. They lacked the scale, a sexy name, and probably few more other important things. Now, “Google Me” is on everyone’s lips. Just google it. Every major paper or television channel […]

thatis.me t-shirts

Name.ly platform is currently alpha-testing personalised t-shirt creation to help you express yourself with thatis.me:


A tripple word jingle. What a great concept indeed and a popular service among those hooked on Twitter:

LittleBigPlanet is LBP.me

As reported on DigitalSpy LittleBigPlanet is now using LBP.me:

t.co for twitter

Just another proof that short URLs have extraordinary value. Twitter uses the t.co domain as part of a service to protect users from harmful activity, to provide value for the developer ecosystem, and as a quality signal for surfacing relevant, interesting tweets.

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