.ME of course

Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget

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Archive for Examples

Lie To Me

Watching Dr House? – Sure.ly. But have you heard of “Lie To Me” by GlobalTV? The average person tells three lies in ten minutes of conversation. As the foremost deception expert in the country, Dr. Cal Lightman (Tim Roth) knows when someone is lying. Now Season 2: Lie To Me is the compelling drama series […]


Never driven a Fiat, so never heard of this one. And yet, a trademarked Blue&MeTM information system (infosystem) from the Italian car-maker, the father of Ferrari. More information on: Official Fiat website Wikipedia


A good blog to browse, ReflectionOf.Me by Isilay Erol. E.g., “if it is to be, it is up to me”:


Today’s selection of two techie .ME sites: NetBoot.Me and WebToolKit4.Me. The former will offer you a handy boot solution: The later is a good blog to subscribe to for web professionals.


Canada based Travel Healthcare Inc., the owner of StudentGuardTM and GlobalGuardTP has also purchased and trademarked Guard.Me®. So far they market it as a new brand in the United Kingdom but with a good name like this, more will sure.ly come.

Talk Nerdy To Me

To all you nerdy domainers, have a look on these love.ly nerdy t-shirts: Amazing is that that both ~talknerdytome.com and ~talk-nerdy-to-me.com are already taken. So are Twitter and Facebook names, you might even want to call those girls in the end of the day 😉 Sources: http://pixdaus.com/?sort=tag&tag=girl%20woman%20nerd%20pretty http://www.tshirthell.com/funny-shirts/talk-nerdy-to-me/ http://merrillk.com/index.php?part=fineart&articles_id=3722&collection=78?terms http://www.flickr.com/photos/constantine-graphics/3859971253/

3000.me ultimate hacked URLs based on suffexed.me

Interest.ing concept of making DIY jingling hacks based on two dozens of suffixed.me domains. Using all the possible suffixes one can cover up some 34k+ words, like: priv.acy.me | loc.ate.me | accepta.ble.me | h.eal.me | pati.ence.me | differ.ent.me | japan.ese.me | expr.ess.me | smart.est.me | cheer.ful.me | choco.holic.me | irresist.ible.me | simpl.ify.me | attract.ing.me | […]

Known “Me” sales

During the routine check on bedo.com, which was recent.ly sold at Search Engine for Domain Offers (a.k.a. SEDO), it was noticed that it is still down, already for a while, waiting for its big day. Sometimes, big investments end up in nowhere. Never mind that, recent.ly SEDO also sold two “me”-tagged domains: aroundme.com (US$ 4,600) […]

Cutting onions

A funny jingle borrowed from Dockera site:

Premium .ME auctions @ NameJet (September 2009)

After successful sale of 15 premium .me names in June 2009, .ME registry is again releasing another 15 fresh and catchy names on NameJet: Answer.Me Chat.Me Drive.Me Fix.Me Free.Me Friend.Me Host.Me Know.Me Link.Me Monitor.Me Photo.Me Protect.Me Rate.Me Rescue.Me Review.Me Last time they have raised total sweet sum of $90,817.00 with the average topping above $6k. […]

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