Alex and Me
Yet another product, this time a book: Alex & Me: How a Scientist and a Parrot Uncovered a Hidden World of Animal Intelligence—And Formed a Deep Bond in the Process by Irene M. Pepperberg. [Source: The Economist]
Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget
Yet another product, this time a book: Alex & Me: How a Scientist and a Parrot Uncovered a Hidden World of Animal Intelligence—And Formed a Deep Bond in the Process by Irene M. Pepperberg. [Source: The Economist]
For those that still doubt in marketability of .ME domains, let’s not go too far. Let’s enter an average British shop New Look and pick up a black box. For only £6 you will get: The biggest UK drug-store Boots sells Model.Me, another huge line of beauty products. No wonder, there […] for $70k and for $32k all went on the Moniker auction to Moniker itself in a blink of an eye and yet these domains are waiting for the proper buyer that will make a hit out of them and a billion dollar business too. A good question is why did a winner […]
Now that the period of .me land-rush auction is over, domain name investors can catch up with other matters, sip some tea instead of coffee and reflect back on the financial side of the business.
There are many hot discussions going on related to .me vs .mobi etc. Referring to one of them on Rick Schwartz’s blog: Guys who thought .mobi was a good idea should have been investing in .me. is not a jingle. is. is. Try to forget these ones:,,,,, […]
On 15th of August 2008, was won on a land rush auction for $7,354.98 after 110 bids by William Erickson of Next Wave, LLC in Wisconsin, US. Now it is for sale, already packed as a trademark registered in the US in October 2008: Prior to this in December 2007, Susan Green from California […]
Today, Sherry Humphreys registered Woo.Me. Well, darling, I am just wondering how would you go about, an established trademark? So far the site is just parked at GoDaddy. it will be an interesting case in the future.
A picture taken in one of Kyiv’s PR agencies:
Today, the last of the five sunrise auction domain names were registered by the registry. At this moment it is not clear how many organisations have applied for domestic and international sunrise .me names, however it is clear that five of them had more than one international applicants and hence ended up in the auctions.
It appears that Nestle has reseved Crunch.Me. Expect new .me cookies soon?
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