.ME of course

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The State of Maine

Apparent.ly, not only M.E. stays for Middle East but also for the State of Maine, with thousands of web sites grabbed and already developed and good Google Page Rank too:

  • http://www.yourvote.me/ - Your Maine Election Guide
  • http://upperkennebecvalleychamber.me/ - Upper Kennebec Valley Chamber of Commerce
  • http://www.mainelandforsale.me/ - Find Maine Land for Sale
  • http://mainelobster.me/ - The World's Finest Lobster Comes from Maine
  • http://www.onlineguide.me/ - Maine Online Guide
  • http://planetmaine.me/ - Planet Maine Web Design and Hosting

Plenty more can be found at ggl.me. Now the question is: where.is.me? 😉

All references: [1 - 4]

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5 Responses to “The State of Maine”

  1. 1
    M.E. - My Education … « .ME of course:

    […] this blog mentioned that M.E. was about Middle East and The State of Maine. We also discussed My-Me amplification. Now, it is about Education […]

  2. 2
    .ME of course « M.E. is also known for Motor Engineer:

    […] now in addition to M.E. staying for State of Maine, Middle East, My Education, My Earth, My Egypt, etc, it is also known for Motor Engineering. RVP.me […]

  3. 3

    .ME is not the only extension used for the US states. Another good one is South Carolina Weddings: weddings.sc

  4. 4

    Another one noticed is telephonic diabetes education and support in Maine: tdes.me

  5. 5

    Currently some 1% of .me sites are Maine related:

    > about 980,000,000 results

    site:me maine
    > about 8,600,000 results


