.ME of course

Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget

.ME of course RSS Feed

Middle East Ventures

A number of .ME web sites are used by Middle East ventures. Of course, M.E. stays for Middle East. What else? ;0

Some good examples are:

  • http://sheilds.me/ - SHEilds Middle East Health and Safety Training
  • http://www.businessbuyandsell.me/ - Business Buy and Sell Middle East - Great business & franchise opportunities...
  • http://www.psytrance.me/ - Psychedelic Trance in the Middle East
  • http://shop.mapshop.me/ - Middle East Map Shop
  • http://meca.me/ - Middle East Citizens Assembly
  • http://www.starkid.me/ - StarKid Middle East
  • http://www.connectingworlds.me/ - Connecting Words - Bringing Innovation to the Middle East

And many more can be found at ggl.me.

Short link: [Facebook] [Twitter] [Email] Copy - http://links2.me/~RJc1$4D

9 Responses to “Middle East Ventures”

  1. 1
    The State of Maine « .ME of course:

    […]       « Middle East Ventures The State of […]

  2. 2

    Domain MiddleEast.me had only one bidder at the land rush, and guess what happen?

    He or she failed to pay extra 75$ – so now the domains is back with the registry waiting for the premium auction.

  3. 3
    M.E. - My Education … « .ME of course:

    […] this blog mentioned that M.E. was about Middle East and The State of Maine. We also discussed My-Me amplification. Now, it is about Education […]

  4. 4
    Лариса Михась:

    A good candidate will also be Campaign M.E.: http://brief.ly/n-276/

  5. 5

    Here goes anotherone: http://www.cio2cio.me/

  6. 6

    Currently some 1% of .me sites are Maine related:

    > about 980,000,000 results

    site:me “middle east”
    > about 7,560,000 results

  7. 7

    Another good example: The hub for Arab digital professionals and entrepreneurs to connect and learn – ArabNet.ME

  8. 8

    Porsche.Me, which was lost in a UDRP case [ http://dot-me.of-cour.se/2008/10/24/porsche/ ], is now forwarding to http://www.porsche.com/middle-east/

  9. 9

    A good example of a Middle East news portal using .ME: http://nsnbc.me/


