.ME of course

Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget

.ME of course RSS Feed

FB.me for Facebook of course


Facebook - world's #1 social network

We wrote earlier this summer about WordPress, an ultimate blogging platform, which by the way drives this site, launching its own URL shortener based on wp.me.

Today, the second popular site on the web, and world's #1 social network, Facebook, has launch another shortener FB.me of course. FB.me is already used on mobiles, for link sharing and is spreading quick.ly indeed.

So, now, your favourite TLD (top-level domain) extension's fan page can be found on http://fb.me/dotme - hardly could be even shorter.

All references: [1 - 3]

Short link: [Facebook] [Twitter] [Email] Copy - http://links2.me/~Gwd1$LK

19 Responses to “FB.me for Facebook of course”

  1. 1

    Many URL shorteners are also based on jing.ly .ly names: http://dot-ly.of-cour.se/examples/

    You can imagine any sort of variety, anything from al.ly and coo.ly to ow.ly and y.ly. The market is getting real.ly saturated.

  2. 2

    Just learned from Mashable that Google also followed the suit with its goo.gl:

    Google URL Shortener

    Google URL Shortener at goo.gl is a service that takes long URLs and squeezes them into fewer characters to make a link that is easier to share, tweet, or email to friends. The core goals of this service are:

    * Stability – ensuring that the service has very good uptime
    * Security – protecting users from malware and phishing pages
    * Speed – fast resolution of short URLs

    Google URL Shortener is currently available for Google products and not for broader consumer use.

    The Google privacy policy applies to the Google URL Shortener. Please note that Google may choose to publicly display aggregate and non-personally identifiable statistics about particular shortened links, such as the number of end user clicks.

    ©2009 Google

    Though, if you ask me, ggl.me or goog.ly sound so much sexier and are shorter too.

  3. 3

    And in tomorrow’s news Amazon will announce it’s own URL shortener: Am.az (Yes, the domain is available.)

    via @polyGeek

  4. 4

    while google indexes no content on wp.me and am.az, there are already some 2000+ links found on fb.me: http://google.com/search?q=site:fb.me

  5. 5

    In September 2009 East-European social site #2 and currently site #158 in Global Alexa list and rising, VKontankti/VKontankte purchased VK.com. Indeed, Internet addresses go shorter and jing.ly.

  6. 6

    YouTube has joined Google and Facebook in the latest trend by launching its own URL shortener – Youtu.be.


  7. 7

    tr.im is for quick, easy, full-featured URL shortening with integrated posting to social networks such as Twitter, with a free public API.

    http://tr.im/ – nice domain, nice name, but weak IT infrastructure 🙂

    “tr.im is currently unavailable because of exccessive load, or a spike in simultaneous requests that our servers were unable to handle in an orderly fashion.”

  8. 8

    The shortest known one is j.mp (which is nothing else but bit.ly)

  9. 9
    .ME of course « Please adopt me:

    […] Earlier we wrote about all possible .ME application on Facebook, including recent launch of FB.ME. […]

  10. 10

    Uprising spotify.com has also reserved spotify.me

  11. 11

    And now goes the official press-release: http://www.domain.me/news.php?&news=181

  12. 12

    Now Dailymotion has just got their hands on dai.ly: http://dot-ly.of-cour.se/dailymotion-is-now-daily/

  13. 13

    A good Facebook song, try to count the occurance of “me” words in the lyrics and video:


  14. 14

    Facebook has filed a complaint with World Intellectual Property Organization to get the domain name Facebook.me. The domain name is currently registered to a United Arab Emirates man.


  15. 15

    99.9999% Facebook will secure this domain too. Watch it soon on http://www.wipo.int/amc/en/domains/search/case.jsp?case_id=17979

  16. 16
    .ME of course « Facebook.Me:

    […] while ago we covered FB.ME and Porsche.Me. Now, Facebook.Me story is a mixture of two. Amjad Abbas of the United Arab Emirates […]

  17. 17

    It took them a year to agree on the price of FB.com – now it works the same way as fb.me, just one letter longer. Somehow they missed fb.co.

  18. 18

    Facebook is now also using fb.gg for its gaming platform.

  19. 19

    The registry had just released the new premium sales:

    Notable companies that registered .ME premium domains include HZ.ME registered by Meta Platforms, Inc. (former Facebook, Inc.), DD.ME created by Beijing Xiaoju Technology Co., Ltd, a Chinese company operating mobility technology platform and Beyond.ME, registered by Beyond Meat, Inc., a plant-based meat substitute producer that collaborates with companies like McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Dunkin’ Donuts and PepsiCo.

    Some of the premium domains are already up and running such as: Zo.ME (short for ZeroOne), which is Web 3 Messenger for Open Communication and 58.ME, a service that lets you outsource your human resources operations to HR experts.


