.ME of course

Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget

.ME of course RSS Feed

Planet ME

Not long ago, Apple has launched its "mobile me" product, hosted currently on me.com. N.B. mobile.me is not released yet. The closer one could get on .me was mobile4.me and mobiles4.me.

In the end of February this year, logistic giant TNT commenced a new advertising campaign: "Planet ME", aiming for reducing CO2 emissions in all business areas, not just operational vehicles. In orange tones of course, as it is a Dutch company indeed.

Domain tntplanetme.com was registered back in 2007, but as with many ideas, it takes Dutchmen years to discuss it thoroughly before it crystallises into some bullet-proof product.

Similar to mobile.me, planet.me is not released yet by the registry. But if one is real.ly looking for an appropriate jingle for a green initiative, why not to go with something like:


or in the end of the day:

All waiting for their ultimate owners to bring them to life.

All references: [1 - 10]

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