.ME of course

Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget

.ME of course RSS Feed

Grand Keyword .ME auctions

Next month .ME registry is releasing 178 premium keyword domain names via Sedo. The auctions will commence on 27th of October and should finish on 3rd of November.

The list will comprise of some prominent names as:

222.me, 444.me, 555.me, 777.me, 800.me, 888.me, account.me, accountant.me, accounting.me, air.me, america.me, american.me, ant.me, apartments.me, arab.me, asian.me, astrology.me, bargain.me, baseball.me, basketball.me, beaver.me, beef.me, bike.me, bogota.me, brisbane.me, cab.me, calls.me, cam.me, camera.me, celeb.me, celebrity.me, cellphones.me, chatrooms.me, cheerleaders.me, chicago.me, chinese.me, christmas.me, commerce.me, communication.me, company.me, computer.me, computers.me, concert.me, concerttickets.me, culture.me, datarecovery.me, deal.me, debt.me, democracy.me, dental.me, dentist.me, desktop.me, diamond.me, dsl.me, ecard.me, ecards.me, economy.me, exam.me, exams.me, fail.me, faith.me, fall.me, fares.me, first.me, fitness.me, flashgames.me, florist.me, flowers.me, football.me, forclosures.me, goddess.me, golf.me, golfcourses.me, greencard.me, head.me, healthcare.me, healthinsurance.me, heart.me, houses.me, housing.me, inc.me, innovations.me, jewelry.me, job.me, jobsearch.me, jokes.me, karaoke.me, lab.me, lamps.me, lifeinsurance.me, locals.me, london.me, looks.me, losangeles.me, lottery.me, malta.me, mangas.me, medication.me, medicine.me, meds.me, melbourne.me, movers.me, musicdownload.me, musicvideo.me, names.me, nets.me, notebooks.me, oil.me, onlinedating.me, pacific.me, paraguay.me, pharmacy.me, phones.me, pix.me, police.me, portal.me, pos.me, pottery.me, professor.me, programmer.me, prom.me, property.me, pvc.me, races.me, rail.me, rap.me, realestate.me, realty.me, refinancing.me, result.me, reviews.me, rio.me, romance.me, rugby.me, sap.me, scanner.me, scientist.me, scores.me, seniors.me, server.me, services.me, shoes.me, singapore.me, spamfilter.me, spring.me, state.me, steel.me, stuff.me, sydney.me, table.me, tablet.me, tax.me, taxi.me, tool.me, tools.me, top.me, tourism.me, tourist.me, trees.me, truck.me, trucks.me, tunes.me, unitedkingdom.me, vans.me, vegan.me, venturecapital.me, vip.me, vitamins.me, vodka.me, war.me, washingmachine.me, washington.me, way.me, wealth.me, wireless.me, yearbook.me, and zimbabwe.me

For four years these names were on the official reserve list. Last year, a similar event has raised about $413k in revenues.

Disclaimer: Brands-and-Jingles has name similar names in My______.Me and ______4.Me variants - which are even more jinglier.

All references: [1 - 2]

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7 Responses to “Grand Keyword .ME auctions”

  1. 1

    These combinations should do so much better:

    Cab4.Me / CabFor.Me
    Camera4.Me / Cameras4.Me / MyCamera.Me
    Job4.Me / Jobs4.Me
    Mobile4.Me / Mobiles4.Me
    Name4.Me / Namely.Me
    Phone4.Me / Phones4.Me
    Vodka4.Me / VodkaFor.Me / Vodka-For.Me / MyVodka.Me
    HealthyAndWealthy.Me / Healthy-and-Wealthy.Me

  2. 2

    With Washington.Me on the list, I wonder why MyWashington.Me is still available…

  3. 3

    Recent sale @ Sedo, the domain was listed as fixed price, first 5k, then 2.5k:

    alarm.me 2011-09-29 2500 USD

  4. 4

    All listings @ Sedo: http://sedo.com/me



  5. 5

    Inject.me was recently sold for $27,000

  6. 6

    Sedo is tasting .ME domains really well:

    order.me 5,000 GBP
    imprint.me 4,750 USD
    plasticsurgeon.me 1,400 USD

  7. 7

    Another good sale.

    clickin.me via Sedo for 1000 euro


