.ME of course

Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget

.ME of course RSS Feed

.ME hits 250,000 registered domains in less than a year

As reported by .ME registry in their today's press-release, a 250,000th domain, JamesCrocker.Me, was registered on 15th of May 2008. With a quarter of million registered .ME domains in less than a year, it makes .ME the fastest growing new ccTLD.

Let us congratulare Dot-Me team on this important milestone and wish them to break few more records in the years to come.

All references: [1 - 2]

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2 Responses to “.ME hits 250,000 registered domains in less than a year”

  1. 1

    WebProWorld Members,

    Alright Generation Me (so selfish), welcome to the world of .ME. If you’re unfamiliar, .ME is a registry that has caught on the past couple of years. According to this .ME news release, they’ve just hit their 250k domain register.

    Non-traditional registries have a tendency to come in strong and fizzle out, but .ME seems to have endurance. No doubt due to the swell of Web 2.0, and social networking that has captivated the world. The real question is whether it’s worth it or not to invest in a .ME website?

    From what I’ve been able to gather, it really depends on how much you’re willing to fork over for a domain. The .ME registry is technically used by the country of Montenegro. Due to some savvy business they’ve turned it international, and are promoting it as a ‘personable’ register.

    When you register a .ME domain, you can either have a standard domain, or try and purchase a premium domain. The premium domains are ones reserved by Montenegro, and they hold auctions for various domains at different times of the year. For example, http://www.date.me sold for $70,000. If you want http://www.motherf***er.me, unfortunately it’s on reserve.

    I still think it’s a bit early to say that you should invest a large amount of money into .ME. It’s no doubt one of the most successful alternate domains, but it still pales in comparison to others. I do see a strong influx in cheap, personal sites which of course is the spirit of .ME anyway. You could do what the 250k owner did with his site.

    The ideas presented in the WebProWorld newsletter editor’s note do not reflect the thoughts, and ideas of the WebProWorld community.

  2. 2
    .ME of course « .me took over .travel:

    […] is month .me is all about breaking the records and beating the peers. Right after it had 250,000th .me domain registered on 15th of May, in less than a year of its existence, .me took over .travel, by both, the number of registered […]


