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Try Me 2 – Novus Learning

As published in a past post, "try me" jingles go far beyond consumer products. With some creative marketing one can fully deploy them in the services too.

Upgrade Your Life, Try Me

Seems to be a good slogan to promote educational trainings.

Try indeed Svetlana Minina's services at Novus Learning to boost your financial career and master qualifications like CFA under excellent guidance of best MBA tutors:

No doubt, with such creative and professional stuff your studies will be fun!

All references: [1 - 2]

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2 Responses to “Try Me 2 – Novus Learning”

  1. 1
    .ME of course « Try Me 3 - Tiny Love:

    […] As was posted earlier, “try me” is used all over Britain, Sainsbury’s, Boots, you name them. In fact, the whole world. […]

  2. 2

    No wonder that Wharton is featured with “now all the resistance in the world cannot stop me. i am boundless.” jingle.


