.ME of course

Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget

.ME of course RSS Feed

Number of .me pages enjoys the fastest growth in 2008

Brands-and-Jingles has shared the data they gathered in 2008 since the inception of .ME on number of web pages indexed by Google.

Among all top level domains, in 2008, .ME sites have enjoyed the fastest growth with more than 50% a month:

Number of .me pages indexed by Google

Number of .me pages indexed by Google

.ME tops other industry risers and leaders, beating .ASIA and .MOBI with the growth of 40% and 30% per month respectively.

According to OCO, by the end of 2008, Alexa's top one million websites contained:

  • 341 .ME sites
  • 233 .MOBI sites
  • 86 .ASIA sites

Considering that .MOBI was launched two years before .ME and .ASIA four months before .ME - .ME is, without any doubt, the unrivalled leader of 2008.

Short link: [Facebook] [Twitter] [Email] Copy - http://links2.me/~gmE1$4A

12 Responses to “Number of .me pages enjoys the fastest growth in 2008”

  1. 1

    .ME rules indeed by the speed and quality. Its jingling cannot be ignored. Marketeers love “ME” so very much.

  2. 2

    Yes dot Me is the future!
    They will just become more and more valuble.
    They are PERFECT for branding.

  3. 3
    Top Level Domains in 2008 - ME Domains Has Fastest Growth 2008! | AdamDicker.com:

    […] Top Level Domains in 2008 – ME Domains Has Fastest Growth 2008! Recent Articles Add comments Some very good news for DotMe : The Top Level Domains in 2008 – ME Domains Has Fastest Growth 2008! http://dot-me.of-cour.se/2009/01/03/…rowth-in-2008/ […]

  4. 4
    .ME of course « .ME keeps enjoying the fastest growth among all top-level domains:

    […] half a year Brands-and-Jingles shares the data they gather since the inception of .ME on number of .me web pages indexed by […]

  5. 5

    As of July 2009 the numbers are pushing .me even more forward:

    * 534 .ME sites
    * 257 .MOBI sites
    * 118 .ASIA sites

    These numbers can be quick.ly checked @ http://www.dailytopmillion.com/index.cgi?sort=&string=&position=start&tld=me

  6. 6
    .Me is all about YOU! » Blog Archive » Number of .me pages enjoys the fastest growth in 2008:

    […] >> source […]

  7. 7
    Ekstensi .ME sebagai Nama Domain Blog Pribadi | Deddy Andaka 's Blog:

    […] ini dianggap cukup menjual, terbukti .ME menjadi ekstensi yang paling populer di tahun 2008, dengan pertumbuhan yang paling besar dibanding rival-rivalnya .Asia dan .Mobi. Seperti pada video di atas, Anda bisa menggali […]

  8. 8

    Apparent.ly dailytopmillion service is out-date. For better ranking use http://dot-me.of-cour.se/2010/04/21/its-cool-to-be-me/

  9. 9
    .ME of course « Its Cool To Be . Me:

    […] 10 month ago, there were less than 500 .Me sites in Alexa top 1,000,000. Now there are more than 900 and growing. Formspring.Me being an […]

  10. 10

    As of today, there are more than 70 million pages indexed by Google in .me.

    It is roughtly 150 pages per every registered .me domain name. Not a bad number for a still young, but bright TLD.

  11. 11

    Roughly 1/7th or 10 million pages have to do with WordPress – it is quite of a number.

  12. 12

    There are 8,890,000,000 search results for “me” on Google. The potential is just huge. More than for “facebook” or “google”…


