Wikipedia.Me of Domain.Me, the official .ME registry, says:
Domain info is available according to WHOIS. If you are interested in purchasing this domain kindly choose your registrar from registrar list
However, it is not. GoDaddy lists it as taken:
WIKIPEDIA.ME is already taken.
"" not found in the Registry Whois.
WHOIS Underlying Registry Data: NOT FOUND
Neither was Wikipedia.Me auctioned during the land rush. It must be hidden somewhere in the Montenegrin matrix. Any idea where?
For true wiki lovers, there is, however, (auctioned in August 2008 for $1,337.00 after 62 bids), curently parked at GoDaddy.
All references: [1 - 3]
Short link:
Copy -$5Y
April 10th, 2009 at 8:44 pm
The name will be released in May 2009. Get ready for some bidding: