.ME of course

Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget

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Archive for Registry (.ME)

400,000 milestone

Congratulation to the world’s fastest growing top-level domain name and its team of course on yet another important milestone. Just two years after the world first heard of Montenegro’s top-level domain, .ME, more than 400,000 .ME domains have been registered. Several by some of the biggest names on the Internet — including Facebook, Yahoo, WordPress, […]

Catchy.me event: wrapping up [updated]

N.B. This post was updated as amid technical issues on SnapName.com 15 auctions were extended for another 24 hours. We featured catchy.me actions that just finished on SnapNames two times already: with the inventory list and then a video on LookAt.Me. As predicted, .Me team, and Nataša Djukanović in particular, did a great job in […]

Look at me

As LookAt.Me is about to be released to a happy bidder, here is an idea for the future site:


It is on everyone’s lips today: Yahoo! announced an acquisition of me.me for its social platform meme.

Auction.Me, Avatar.Me, et al

Following recent 314PersonalNames.Me event, .ME registry is releasing another package of premium domain names on SnapNames. Without any doubt verb+me combinations will catch the highest interest, including of course “Avatar.Me”. Shame James Cameron did not use this URL for his movie, unlike the guys from forthcoming Despicable.Me did. With the omnipresent publicity for the “avatar” […]

More of to.me

Once again, many thanks to Sanja Lazović for the fabulous shots from her to.me album:


.ME registry is about to release short personal names on 5th of April. Name.ly: Adam.Me, Adams.Me, Alexander.Me, Alexandra.Me, Alexis.Me, Alicia.Me, Allen.Me, Allison.Me, Alonso.Me, Alvarez.Me, Alyssa.Me, Amanda.Me, Amber.Me, Amistad.Me, Amy.Me, Anderson.Me, Andrea.Me, Andrew.Me, Angel.Me, Angela.Me, Anna.Me, Anthony.Me, Ashford.Me, Ashley.Me, Austin.Me, Ava.Me, Bauer.Me, Becker.Me, Benjamin.Me, Bernard.Me, Bertrand.Me, Bharat.Me, Bibi.Me, Blanco.Me, Brandon.Me, Braun.Me, Brian.Me, Brianna.Me, Brittany.Me, Brooke.Me, Brown.Me, […]

Post Land Rush at NameJet

As advertised by the registry, few good .me names are now again available for grabs:

.Mom + .Dad = .Me

With special thanks to Nataša Djukanović and .ME marketing team, a great t-shirt to buy for the coming season:

.ME in la Repubblica

A good article with historical facts was just published in la Repubblica, one of the Italian influential papers. Below goes our translation into English (with some of Google help of course): Little Montenegro gets a bit more wealthy? With .me domains of course. The symbol identifying the Balkan country depopulated on the web. By Balbi […]

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