.ME of course

Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget

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Catchy.me event: wrapping up [updated]

N.B. This post was updated as amid technical issues on SnapName.com 15 auctions were extended for another 24 hours.

We featured catchy.me actions that just finished on SnapNames two times already: with the inventory list and then a video on LookAt.Me.

As predicted, .Me team, and Nataša Djukanović in particular, did a great job in marketing those catchy names.

On the first final day (2010-05-11) the bottom line was just below US$ 150k (US$ 148,014 to be precise, including those not meeting the reserve). The final second day (2010-05-12) closed at US$ 148,973 (excluding unsold items).The final results are as follows:

adopt.me (US$ 1,500), auction.me (US$ 6,250), auto.me (US$ 4,100), avatar.me (US$ 0*), baby.me (US$ 6,250), believe.me (US$ 700), bug.me (US$ 800), change.me (US$ 1,750), check.me (US$ 1,451*), click.me (US$ 17,200), clone.me (US$ 1,561), cool.me (US$ 2,650), design.me (US$ 9,250), feel.me (US$ 500), fun.me (US$ 1,000), get.me (US$ 1,806), good.me (US$ 2,000), guide.me (US$ 2,000), hold.me (US$ 300*), hot.me (US$ 2,000), improve.me (US$ 900*), inform.me (US$ 1,300), job.me (US$ 10,000), let.me (US$ 1,300), log.me (US$ 1,100), lookat.me (US$ 1,550), map.me (US$ 14,500), max.me (US$ 1,425), media.me (US$ 1,080), mini.me (US$ 9,250), name.me (US$ 6,000), phone.me (US$ 8,400), provide.me (US$ 500), see.me (US$ 3,900), server.me (US$ 2,500*), set.me (US$ 500*), sport.me (US$ 750), talk.me (US$ 1,900), trade.me (US$ 18,501), use.me (US$ 2,000), vip.me (US$ 4200), and voip.me (US$ 1,001*)

Few domains did not reach the reserve threshold and will most likely come back on the other events to be held later on this year. 11 names struggled with the reserve limit, namely: avatar.me, check.me, good.me, guide.me, hold.me, hot.me, improve.me, server.me, set.me, use.me, and voip.me. Those seven domain names, marked in the list above with stars, were not counted in final grand total and are already available for backorder on SnapNames . Never mind, these unsold names would only contribute to 10% of the total pot.

The average price on the first final day was above US$ 3,500, slightly less then during the initial premium .me events; it is still high enough to attract the spot light from the entire industry. The average price of those meeting the reserve price is above US$ 4,250. The leader of the run, trade.me, came not as a big surprise at all as trademe.co.nz is a well-known Kiwi site. Certainly, map.me and click.me will pop up soon with some good products, at least they should.

Extra day of bidding generated another US$ 7,511 of sales for the Montenegrin team, not bad at all either (the hike was mainly due to mini.me's popularity, whose price more than doubled).

Personally at Brands-and-Jingles, we were surprised not to see a single bid for avatar.me - trademark issues maybe? We so saw it in the Hollywood world.

Also, we struggle trying to justify the high price paid for job.me, which does not jingle well, although it is short, as short as the word "job" in the URL can get, yet, save the argument for *.jobs. The agency is holding both job4.me and jobs4.me. Once the market is back to its normal pace, City recruiters will be buzzing there for sure.

All references: [1 - 2]

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9 Responses to “Catchy.me event: wrapping up [updated]”

  1. 1

    Will not be surprised to see name.me becoming part of name.com 😉

  2. 2

    I suspect a lot of people would have been worried about the TM implications of avatar.me. I know I was 🙂

  3. 3

    Actually Snapnames.com experienced an outage in the closing minutes of some of the auctions – these auctions have been extended by 24 hours.o

    Some of the prices quoted above are not final.

  4. 4
    Pedro Kisel:

    The last 15 minutes I was not able to bid as the site was unavailable. None of .me auctions was reset, alas, despite me asking.

    Below is the official confirmation from SpamNames:

    From: Jonathan Stanfill
    Date: 2010/5/12
    Subject: Message to SnapNames Bidders Impacted by Temporary System Outage
    To: SnapNames

    Dear Customer:

    Today, SnapNames experienced a system outage in the closing moments of several online auctions, including one or more in which you were participating. SnapNames regrets this inconvenience.

    Each impacted auction has been extended for an additional 24 hours. Any active bids you placed have been restored to the pre-outage amount and the auction will end tomorrow at 12:15 PM PDT. You may re-enter the auction at any time, effective immediately.

    Should you have questions, please contact SnapNames support:

    On the web: https://www.snapnames.com/support.jsp

    By e-mail: support@snapnames.com

    Phone: +1 (866) 690-6279 (toll-free in the U.S.)
    +1 (503) 241-8547 (outside the U.S.)

    Thank you,


  5. 5

    lookat.me is a perfect match for popular Russian web-site http://www.lookatme.ru

    Alexa Traffic Rank: 9,168

  6. 6

    Official results: http://showcase.snapnames.com/archive?id=61

  7. 7

    Lego is going for DesignByMe, have a look at their logo: http://cache.lego.com/images/shop/prod/lfh002-0000-xx-11-1.jpg

    More info on: http://designbyme.lego.com/

    They also feature dreamtbyme builtbyme designedbyme…

  8. 8
    .ME of course « LEGO: DREAMT by ME, BUILT by ME, DESIGN by ME:

    […] up on the sale of design.me, which went for US$ 9,250 last May, LEGO is using three “me” jingles at […]

  9. 9

    As rightly predicted, name.me went to name.com. They would not miss it this time.


