.ME of course

Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget

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Archive for .CH

Hacking domain hacks

After few hours spent on discussing the previous post, an interesting summary was born. Below is the list of TLDs as they were searched in domain names of other TLDs stress-testing their suitability to brandability and some extend to domain hacking. Domain name like “home.co.ke” was counted as the one ending with “me”. Numbers represent […]

Other top “me” sites

After some Excel crunching staff at Brands-and-Jingles has found 7075 domain names in the Alexa top one million that ended with “me” but were not “.me” sites. When we added another 1000+ of the latter, which made it into the top list as well, we realised that nearly one percent of all global sites are […]

Known “Me” sales

During the routine check on bedo.com, which was recent.ly sold at Search Engine for Domain Offers (a.k.a. SEDO), it was noticed that it is still down, already for a while, waiting for its big day. Sometimes, big investments end up in nowhere. Never mind that, recent.ly SEDO also sold two “me”-tagged domains: aroundme.com (US$ 4,600) […]


An interesting German or rather Swiss site natürli.ch promoting various dairy products. The proper spelling would be natuerli.ch, however it was taken by somebody else, so they went for naturli.ch. The English equivalents, natural.me and natural.ly, are still waiting to be develop.

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