ME is #9 TLD traded all times
Despite being relatively a young kid in the world of top-level domain names (TLDs), .ME appeared to be number 9 globally traded ones. Preceded only by .com, .de, .net, .org, .uk, .mobi, .info, .eu and leaving big and older players like .tv and .fr behind.
These stats can be found in stats section.
Rank | Top/second level domain (TLD/SLD) | Total sales | As total of all sales | Average price | Number of sales | As number of all sales |
1 | .com | $867,160,626.80 | 76.4% | $4,447.98 | 194,956 | 61.8% |
2 | .de | $56,402,982.25 | 5.0% | $2,752.98 | 20,488 | 6.5% |
3 | .net | $51,322,171.79 | 4.5% | $2,028.78 | 25,297 | 8.0% |
4 | .org | $29,499,903.88 | 2.6% | $1,948.60 | 15,139 | 4.8% |
5 | .uk | $23,680,733.73 | 2.1% | $3,502.55 | 6,761 | 2.1% |
6 | .mobi | $9,479,855.73 | 0.8% | $2,804.69 | 3,380 | 1.1% |
7 | .info | $8,910,627.23 | 0.8% | $1,366.66 | 6,520 | 2.1% |
8 | .eu | $8,711,035.81 | 0.8% | $797.86 | 10,918 | 3.5% |
9 | .me | $6,379,819.87 | 0.6% | $1,500.08 | 4,253 | 1.3% |
10 | .tv | $6,369,501.53 | 0.6% | $2,634.20 | 2,418 | 0.8% |
11 | .fr | $5,914,433.91 | 0.5% | $4,627.88 | 1,278 | 0.4% |
12 | .co | $5,548,623.12 | 0.5% | $3,980.36 | 1,394 | 0.4% | have published tonnes of interesting facts. Below go some interesting ones:
- Overall average prices are falling. Especially those for .com. But then this year it started to improve.
- Average prices for LLLLL names ($6,060.81) are higher than those for LLLL ($3,641.76) and LLL ($5,653.34), see stats by length.
- The longest known domain name sold is (private-krankenversicherung-für-selbstä
All references: [1 - 18]
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