.ME of course

Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget

.ME of course RSS Feed


Last year we have discovered quite few LL.ME domain names. Two of them, namely di.me and me.me were taken since then back by the registry as the projects didn't take off. They are now available again via the official premium programme.

The market of short names is not sitting still and London based Turbulenz got its hands on a nice domain hack ga.me. The domain name was updated last time on 12 July 2012.

{click on the image to zoom in}

The service is offering social online games. The most popular so far:

  • Score Rush by Xona Games
  • Save the Day by Denki
  • Space Ark by Strawdog Studios

This now leaves now with these LL.ME: ac.me, co.me, fb.me, ga.me, go.meti.me, vk.me, wp.me, yb.me, ... and more to come.

All references: [1 - 8]

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