.ME of course

Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget

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Popular .ME names @ Sedo

Start-ups love .ME names. But how a young company should go about them? Today, we will dig into the domains listed via Sedo. There are thousands of them listed at this world-leading domain name exchange (we found 39,141 to be precise). But which ones are the most popular?

The top 1o goes as follows below:

  1. profile.me
  2. unlock.me
  3. biz.me
  4. thats.me
  5. hug.me
  6. investin.me
  7. nils.me
  8. lasvegas.me
  9. challenge.me
  10. freeze.me

We have also found 687 names with more than one bid:

profile.me (47), unlock.me (34), biz.me (32), thats.me (31), hug.me (29), investin.me (29), nils.me (25), lasvegas.me (24), challenge.me (23), freeze.me (23), photo.me (22), mike.me (20), site.me (20), buy.me (18), consult.me (18), mba.me (18), maine.me (16), pro.me (16), schedule.me (15), apps.me (14), light.me (14), print.me (14), trip.me (14), ime.me (13), indian.me (13), mama.me (13), page.me (13), 3dprint.me (12), discount.me (12), flirt.me (12), political.me (12), riddle.me (12), shift.me (12), bengaluru.me (11), colour.me (11), event.me (11), love24.me (11), lucky.me (11), pex.me (11), puzzles.me (11), schumann.me (11), domainna.me (10), ebooking.me (10), evolve.me (10), fantastic.me (10), fitter.me (10), genius.me (10), links.me (10), mobil.me (10), startup.me (10), auto.me (9), extre.me (9), gift.me (9), glamour.me (9), imperia.me (9), listen2.me (9), localize.me (9), picture.me (9), recruit.me (9), schwartz.me (9), tim.me (9), advice.me (8), alan.me (8), appoint.me (8), borrow.me (8), edgar.me (8), ege.me (8), filter.me (8), iga.me (8), jona.me (8), listen.me (8), lucas.me (8), mystreet.me (8), pof.me (8), sense.me (8), want2date.me (8), zen.me (8), agenda.me (7), amplify.me (7), buyfrom.me (7), econo.me (7), england.me (7), entrepreneur.me (7), geek.me (7), legaljobs.me (7), meet.me (7), moscow.me (7), newcastle.me (7), pia.me (7), recover.me (7), shot.me (7), shrink.me (7), simplify.me (7), slot.me (7), smoke.me (7), sport4.me (7), stylist.me (7), vert.me (7), webify.me (7), aeroplanes.me (6), anonymize.me (6), appraise.me (6), betwith.me (6), block.me (6), checkin.me (6), drugstore.me (6), family.me (6), fancy.me (6), gather.me (6), imran.me (6), inspira.me (6), look4.me (6), marco.me (6), marijuana.me (6), mario.me (6), meter.me (6), myworld.me (6), paradise.me (6), pec.me (6), portfolio.me (6), poweredby.me (6), relocate.me (6), second.me (6), slots.me (6), spotlight.me (6), squeeze.me (6), target.me (6), tne.me (6), acquit.me (5), alexander.me (5), amateure.me (5), aries.me (5), beep.me (5), cattolica.me (5), celebrate.me (5), checkout.me (5), cordblood.me (5), ehost.me (5), ets.me (5), freelancer.me (5), h0st.me (5), incognito.me (5), intelligent.me (5), itag.me (5), jacob.me (5), jag.me (5), jaipur.me (5), joshua.me (5), kino.me (5), kunst.me (5), leia.me (5), lifearound.me (5), loyal.me (5), nlp.me (5), ora.me (5), osa.me (5), painter.me (5), pakistan.me (5), pakistani.me (5), payto.me (5), peoplearound.me (5), perfu.me (5), prayfor.me (5), predict.me (5), proofread.me (5), psihologie.me (5), renew.me (5), rescue.me (5), sea.me (5), sesso.me (5), slide.me (5), slim.me (5), tv4.me (5), twist.me (5), wit.me (5), youfound.me (5), ahmed.me (4), alma.me (4), alvarez.me (4), autoshop.me (4), bookmakers.me (4), brian.me (4), budapest.me (4), busy.me (4), confess.me (4), date.me (4), delegate.me (4), deodorize.me (4), don.me (4), drop.me (4), d-sign.me (4), emusic.me (4), enroll.me (4), erotica.me (4), erwin.me (4), expose.me (4), favor.me (4), forex4.me (4), forum.me (4), fridge.me (4), goat.me (4), goran.me (4), gps.me (4), gvo.me (4), hashtag.me (4), holo.me (4), hosting4.me (4), hot.me (4), image.me (4), immanuel.me (4), impresses.me (4), incentive.me (4), issa.me (4), jain.me (4), jobs4.me (4), jose.me (4), journey.me (4), jurist.me (4), kartik.me (4), kelley.me (4), loan.me (4), love.me (4), mah.me (4), meier.me (4), moments.me (4), mycity.me (4), natural.me (4), nexuss.me (4), nuevo.me (4), onlinegaming.me (4), openleaks.me (4), pax.me (4), penna.me (4), perfumes.me (4), pflege.me (4), phone.me (4), pimpe.me (4), place4.me (4), pmu.me (4), proxybid.me (4), qron.me (4), regina.me (4), replay.me (4), resize.me (4), shopping.me (4), shutterbug.me (4), silly.me (4), spot.me (4), tailored4.me (4), thin.me (4), turkey.me (4), unbore.me (4), unzip.me (4), volunteers.me (4), watchwith.me (4), weddingphotographers.me (4), accessorize.me (3), adam.me (3), aeu.me (3), agile.me (3), ally.me (3), arch.me (3), ate.me (3), attract.me (3), backorder.me (3), baptize.me (3), berk.me (3), bob-parsons.me (3), bravo.me (3), brunei.me (3), budget.me (3), bull.me (3), carmen.me (3), cart.me (3), charms.me (3), claim4.me (3), clk.me (3), cloud.me (3), collide.me (3), confiesa.me (3), corbett.me (3), crux.me (3), cupid.me (3), data.me (3), dentists.me (3), diddle.me (3), dominica.me (3), dresser.me (3), duran.me (3), ebookreader.me (3), enya.me (3), equal.me (3), exactly.me (3), fabian.me (3), faces.me (3), facilita.me (3), faisal.me (3), fengshui.me (3), finding.me (3), fine.me (3), float.me (3), fry.me (3), fscg.me (3), fyi.me (3), georgia.me (3), girl.me (3), gourmet.me (3), grancanaria.me (3), hafez.me (3), hej.me (3), honolulu.me (3), howell.me (3), identity.me (3), ify.me (3), iheal.me (3), index.me (3), indonesia.me (3), its.me (3), ive.me (3), jansson.me (3), jeu.me (3), johanna.me (3), justfor.me (3), katz.me (3), lady.me (3), landmark.me (3), legend.me (3), levitate.me (3), lex.me (3), living.me (3), log.me (3), looking.me (3), manuel.me (3), mccoy.me (3), mycar.me (3), nigeria.me (3), nimbus.me (3), nkl.me (3), nomad.me (3), omar.me (3), one4.me (3), onlinecasino.me (3), orphan.me (3), outbid.me (3), pablo.me (3), palestine.me (3), pants.me (3), paste.me (3), pochta.me (3), poland.me (3), pot.me (3), presentation.me (3), radford.me (3), remind.me (3), rendezvous.me (3), robotics.me (3), rog.me (3), sassy.me (3), security.me (3), seychelles.me (3), sie.me (3), sigue.me (3), socialnetwork.me (3), soundtrack.me (3), spraytan.me (3), stopcalling.me (3), storyabout.me (3), sudoku.me (3), sun.me (3), synchronize.me (3), them.me (3), ticket.me (3), toner.me (3), tuition.me (3), udaipur.me (3), ufo.me (3), ukraine.me (3), versicherung.me (3), vote.me (3), waiter.me (3), waterville.me (3), wifi4.me (3), wink.me (3), writewith.me (3), xtend.me (3), yacht.me (3), you-for.me (3), 121.me (2), 140.me (2), 4ever.me (2), acai.me (2), adopt.me (2), agapa.me (2), alpha.me (2), alt.me (2), ancient.me (2), ancona.me (2), annika.me (2), ark.me (2), asiangirl.me (2), ask2.me (2), avail.me (2), babyshop.me (2), bachelorparty.me (2), bai.me (2), bandage.me (2), bank4.me (2), bargains4.me (2), barry.me (2), barter.me (2), batteries.me (2), beach.me (2), bengtsson.me (2), besplatno.me (2), bet.me (2), bicycle.me (2), blacklist.me (2), boink.me (2), bourbon.me (2), bourse.me (2), bra.me (2), bracelets.me (2), brb.me (2), bruce.me (2), buttons.me (2), buydirect.me (2), bwin.me (2), cables.me (2), cam.me (2), campaign.me (2), carefor.me (2), carpediem.me (2), casey.me (2), casinoonline.me (2), casualdate.me (2), catering.me (2), caymanislands.me (2), cee.me (2), chandigarh.me (2), chateau.me (2), cheng.me (2), choctaw.me (2), christus.me (2), cia.me (2), cities.me (2), clck.me (2), co2.me (2), cob.me (2), cocoabeach.me (2), codify.me (2), compara.me (2), convenience.me (2), copypaste.me (2), cosmeticsurgeon.me (2), cougar.me (2), cruises.me (2), cumin.me (2), cunningham.me (2), cupertino.me (2), dab.me (2), dahlin.me (2), deck.me (2), dei.me (2), denmark.me (2), diamonds.me (2), dina.me (2), disco.me (2), domainer.me (2), domainsforsale.me (2), dpd.me (2), drinkwith.me (2), dublin.me (2), edify.me (2), enchante.me (2), escrow.me (2), estimate.me (2), etf.me (2), events.me (2), expat.me (2), explora.me (2), extranet.me (2), facefuck.me (2), feliciteer.me (2), file4.me (2), finance.me (2), findhotels.me (2), fit4.me (2), fitt.me (2), floors.me (2), flyer.me (2), freedom.me (2), fun4.me (2), gala.me (2), gei.me (2), geronimo.me (2), gough.me (2), handy.me (2), hearts.me (2), heidi.me (2), hindi.me (2), hits.me (2), holiday.me (2), hollywood.me (2), hologram.me (2), holotv.me (2), hotel4.me (2), hott.me (2), ibiza.me (2), icebreak.me (2), ideal.me (2), ido.me (2), immunize.me (2), imtiaz.me (2), inaugurate.me (2), incent.me (2), insulation.me (2), ip4.me (2), iraq.me (2), is4.me (2), itaxi.me (2), jackets.me (2), jackoff.me (2), jeg.me (2), jeremy.me (2), jessica.me (2), jesussave.me (2), jinx.me (2), jno.me (2), junk.me (2), justabout.me (2), justcall.me (2), kelli.me (2), kiwi.me (2), ksa.me (2), kult.me (2), larsen.me (2), leaves.me (2), levin.me (2), lewis.me (2), lifestyle.me (2), loc8.me (2), locally.me (2), londonescort.me (2), londra.me (2), loteria.me (2), lotto.me (2), louisville.me (2), made.me (2), magician.me (2), maldives4.me (2), markus.me (2), marry.me (2), martin.me (2), mathias.me (2), mckee.me (2), m-e.me (2), meal.me (2), medtronic.me (2), mess.me (2), momento.me (2), monitors.me (2), motor.me (2), mybank.me (2), myfood.me (2), myindia.me (2), myradio.me (2), nash.me (2), neighbor.me (2), neumann.me (2), nia.me (2), nightclubs.me (2), nirvana.me (2), nko.me (2), noor.me (2), not4.me (2), notebook.me (2), odd.me (2), ole.me (2), oman.me (2), onlinedoctor.me (2), onlinegambling.me (2), onlinelawyer.me (2), onlinerealestate.me (2), optimized.me (2), organize.me (2), outline.me (2), pads.me (2), pagerank.me (2), pellegrini.me (2), perfection.me (2), perk.me (2), petinsurance.me (2), planner.me (2), players.me (2), playlist.me (2), playmusic.me (2), pleasebuy.me (2), politico.me (2), pong.me (2), pork.me (2), prenota.me (2), privacy.me (2), puzzle.me (2), puzzlegames.me (2), qwerty.me (2), radio.me (2), rajput.me (2), ras.me (2), react.me (2), recruitment.me (2), redux.me (2), reset.me (2), rfr.me (2), rockstar.me (2), routine.me (2), sad.me (2), sarah.me (2), savvy.me (2), sbo.me (2), schmitt.me (2), scommessa.me (2), seduction.me (2), selfish.me (2), seu.me (2), sew.me (2), sexcam.me (2), shady.me (2), shareti.me (2), shelf.me (2), shirts.me (2), shorts.me (2), site4.me (2), smarthome.me (2), socially.me (2), soft.me (2), solarenergy.me (2), solarpanel.me (2), songs.me (2), sophie.me (2), spain.me (2), spirit.me (2), stanford.me (2), steven.me (2), stock.me (2), strip-tease.me (2), sugar.me (2), sure.me (2), tabletcomputer.me (2), tailored.me (2), tampa.me (2), taxi.me (2), tech.me (2), teens.me (2), textbooks.me (2), thai.me (2), therapist.me (2), thy.me (2), tis.me (2), toolbox.me (2), turtle.me (2), tweets.me (2), ula.me (2), unbox.me (2), unearth.me (2), uploading.me (2), uploads.me (2), upost.me (2), urban.me (2), usb.me (2), usman.me (2), uzbek.me (2), veneto.me (2), verleid.me (2), verona.me (2), viet.me (2), vind.me (2), weddingplanner.me (2), weine.me (2), whoknows.me (2), winedine.me (2), winner.me (2), xen.me (2), youflow.me (2), zada.me (2), zebra.me (2), zhao.me (2), and zoen.me (2)

Notice: listen2.me is more popular than listen.me. Of course, the former, despite having a number, sounds so more natural.

As we read, we realise the higher the number of bid is, the better is the name, but unfortunately for the start-ups, the higher the price.

TIP: when interested in those domains, try to lease them, or to lock them in exchange for a small equity of your start-up. This will still provide you with a better brand and save significant amount of cash you need that much when you just about to start.

Happy bidding indeed!

All references: [1 - 11]

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2 Responses to “Popular .ME names @ Sedo”

  1. 1

    Top ccTLD this month: interest.me at 80,000 USD

    interest.me 80,000 USD
    communication.me 999 USD
    tourism.me 999 USD
    ladybird.me 800 USD

  2. 2

    Today’s Sedo Great Domain auctions ended with :

    pushing.me sold for 1,200 EUR
    Reserve price range: 1,000 – 4,999 EUR

    smoker.me not been sold
    Reserve price range: 1 – 499 USD


