.ME by Lights of Ray

Brandable .me names
Being released for the first time, below go some exciting new .me domains including two geo-domains and a large list of pretty and brandable names.
Exciting.Me, Fierce.Me and Attempt.Me could be used as exciting new social networks or dating sites. Tropical.Me, SanJuan.Me & VaticanCity.Me can all be targeted at a specific area or city and be tourist sites. Basic.Me and Atomic.Me are just screaming to have brands built around them. Complex.Me & Complicated me are perfect domains to build a blog around. SPAC.Me stands for Special Purpose Acquisition Corporations - multi-billion dollar blank check companies looking to open companies.
If you are interested in these jingling names, they can be yours for affordable price:
- $20: particularly.me, spac.me, vaticancity.me
- $45: complex.me, complicated.me, perfectly.me
- $99: pleasant.me, became.me, partly.me
- $149: clearly.me, atomic.me, basic.me, eyed.me, interesting.me, kept.me, mainly.me, sanjuan.me, tropical.me, located.me
- $249: fierce.me, attempt.me, exciting.me
Prices are negotiable if purchasing in bulk. Buy all of them for just $1,750.
Contact info:
- Ray Ozone
- lightsofray {a} gmail {-} com
Short link:
Copy - http://links2.me/~Qz3$Pg