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Vote for me!

Het Financieele Dagblad, Dutch most popular financial paper, and Nyenrode, a country top business school opened a challenge offering young people to win tuition fee to the school. Under "VOTE FOR ME" jingle of course:

Vote for Aliaksei Sedzin

Vote for Aliaksei Sedzin

The system is smartly integrated with LinkedIn allowing easy invitation to your peers:

Dear friend,

Could you help me to win the FD Challenge 2010 and vote for me?
Here is the link: http://bit.ly/cSxc91
Just select my 5 strongest qualities and press “Continue”
I appreciate you help very much.


Short link: [Facebook] [Twitter] [Email] Copy - http://links2.me/~NRr2$Ne

2 Responses to “Vote for me!”

  1. 1

    Of course, one need to know Alex and to confirm the vote:


    Aliaksei bedankt je voor het stemmen op zijn kwaliteiten, door op de volgende link te klikken bevestig je jouw mening en komt Aliaksei een stap dichter bij de Mini MBA en de Executive MBA t.w.v. €49.500.


    Wil jij trouwens gratis 4 weken FD Digitaal en worden uitgenodigd voor een inspirerend en inhoudelijk event ná de FD Career Challenge? Meld je dan hier aan.

    Bas van Werven

    Team FD Career Challenge

    FD Career Challenge ’10 http://www.fd.nl kunt u de maling niet lezen? klik dan hier

  2. 2

    Got another one from another Dutch friend:

    Dear friends, colleagues and business partners,

    I’m participating in 3rd round of FD career challenge. Final prize is an MBA scholarship in Nyenrode business school. In order to win it and take part in final competition I need your help.

    Please vote for me and my credo by clicking link below:


    From my side I can promise you that if I win the award, I will treat free beer for whole company J

    Please also send this message to your other friends and colleagues who I might miss. Every vote counts.

    For those who do not know Dutch:

    On the page:

    Click ‘Verder’
    Select 5 qualities you think I have by clicking on the words and buttons ‘Pagina 1’ and ‘Pagina 2’
    Select ‘Verder’
    Enter your e-mail address and select ‘Breng je stem uit’
    You will receive e-mail from FD career challenge with confirmation button
    Click the button to confirm your vote

    Hint in translating the qualities:

    I’ve selected for myself:

    Pagina 1:
    – oplossinggericht – solution targeted
    – enthuasimerend – enthusiastic
    – charismatish – charismatic
    – analytish – analytical
    – overtuigend – convincing
    – bereikbaar – accessible

    Pagina 2:
    – innovatief – innovative
    – creatief – creative
    – strategish – strategic
    – rezultaatregicht – result targeted
    – zelfbewust – confident
    – durf – daring
    – toekomstgericht – future targeted
    – ambitious – ambitious
    – eerlijk – fair

    Other qualities:

    Pagina 1:

    – Besluitvaardig – Decisive

    – Principieel – Principled

    – Coach – coach

    – Empatish – empatic

    – Visionair – visionary

    – Duidelijk – clear

    – Bescheiden – modest

    – Geduldig – patient

    – Communicatief – communicative

    Pagina 2:

    – Intelligent – intelligent

    – Pragmatish – pragmatic

    – Grenzeloos – without borders

    – Enterpreneur – Entrepreneur

    – Adaptief – adaptive

    – Conceptueel – conceptual

    Looking for your help, I really need it!


