.ME of course

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Eat Me … and grow taller!

Found in the recent article in The Economist:

Illustration by Claudio Munoz

Illustration by Claudio Munoz

Claudio Munoz really likes "me"-branded jingles. Just few weeks ago he created another one :

With all my love to Me (Illustration by Claudio Munoz)

With all my love to Me (Illustration by Claudio Munoz)

All his works published in the paper can be found here.

All references: [1 - 3]

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2 Responses to “Eat Me … and grow taller!”

  1. 1
    .ME of course « The Economist ft “me” themes:

    […] of the world’s best papers, regularly features “me”-taged pictures and slogans [1, 2]. Below goes the last month selection: vote 4 […]

  2. 2

    The article featuring Inception movie started as “Pinch Me”:



