.ME of course

Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget

.ME of course RSS Feed


Check out Despicable.Me! For many reasons. It promises to be another great animation movie. Yet, from the domaining point of view - it is revolutionary too.

Despicable.Me movie icon

Despicable.Me movie icon

Their web site is flashy indeed. Then, they did not go for DespicableMeMovie.com. Just reserved it. Yes, they did buy DespicableMe.com too, smart guys, are they not? Though the latter forward you to, guess where? Yes, Despicable.Me!

Now, the question is, how much buzz will they create before and after 9 July 2010?

For more information about the movie check: IMDB, GGL, or YouTube.

All references: [1 - 6]

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6 Responses to “Despicable.Me”

  1. 1

    Will for sure make other big firms want to buy dot.me domains.
    Me domains will raise allot in value.

    The internet is all about .ME

  2. 2

    Indeed, in 2008, Illumination Entertainment together with Universal Animation Studios reserved this domain for their upcoming “Despicable Me” animation movie. The site was launched in summer 2009.

    This an unorthodox yet very catchy marketing step in pre-release promotion was highly regarded by .me community as the studio preferred .me domain name to .com (DespicableMe.com and DespicableMeMovie.com were reserved but not used for the promotion.)

    Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.me

  3. 3

    You might also wish to try their flash tic-tac-toe game: http://www.despicable.me/#/tictactoe

  4. 4

    In Britain, they even renamed well known series into “Sex, the City and Me” – source: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0968229/

  5. 5

    A press-release from the registry, also telling us there are already 350,000 .me registered: http://domain.me/news.php?&news=183

  6. 6
    .ME of course « Auction.Me, Avatar.Me, et al:

    […] “Avatar.Me”. Shame the movie did not use this URL, unlike the guys from forthcoming Despicable.Me did. Here are the most catchy names in the list: Auction.Me, Avatar.Me, Baby.Me, Bug.Me, Change.Me, […]


