.ME of course

Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget

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Fiji Me

Fiji Visitors Bureau, with the mission of "Serving the Fiji Nation, International.ly", is hosted on fijime.com, fijime.cn, etc. Their web sites are fine, flashy and very interactive. One cannot stop checking few things out, eventual.ly falling in love with the island.

Extra attention is driven on several special features of "me" products, name.ly:

Fiji me

Fiji Me

Bula Me

Bula Me

Dive Me

Dive Me

Explore Me

Explore Me

Meet Me

Meet Me

Romance Me

Romance Me

Thrill Me

Thrill Me

Of course, all .me jingles are already taken. No doubt! Even exotic Bula.Me, a local greeting, is reserved by some Tomasi Verenitani from Australia. Though the site is down for the moment.

Montenegrin registry provides the following domain info on fiji.me:

The domain fiji.me is a Governmental Reserved Name and is available for registration only by eligible applicants.

Indeed, it would be nice to see this jingle meeting its real destination. The question remains - when?

Maybe people of Fiji have to rush, before someone else goes massive.ly with MyFiji.Me or Fiji4.Me.

Short link: [Facebook] [Twitter] [Email] Copy - http://links2.me/~lnF$A7

2 Responses to “Fiji Me”

  1. 1

    In fact, Fiji.Me will be auctioned by the .ME registry on 14th of May:

    Get your bids right ladies and gentlemen!

  2. 2

    FYI, Fiji.Me was bought today by Frank Brown from Australia for $400. Good value for the price indeed.

    Also, some recent political turmoil may fade the glory of the island: http://www.economist.com/world/asia/PrinterFriendly.cfm?story_id=13496478


