.ME of course

Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget

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Love.me Date.me Luv.me

Date.me for $70k and Love.me for $32k all went on the Moniker auction to Moniker itself in a blink of an eye and yet these domains are waiting for the proper buyer that will apparent.ly make a hit out of them and a billion dollar business too.

A good question is why did a winner of luv.me land rush auction did not pay for the domain and left it to the second highest bidder?

[Sources: Moniker, iluvdotme, thedomains]


All references: [1 - 6]

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3 Responses to “Love.me Date.me Luv.me”

  1. 1

    LUV.ME is being AUCTIONED now at SEDO (ending on 15th of January). To visit the bidding page please go to:


    Background information relevant to LUV.ME:

    * date.me went for $70,000
    * love.me went for $32,000
    * luv.me = love.me (common English)
    * it is a three-letter domain (the shortest you can have with .me)
    * gTLDs (luv.com, luv.net, luv.org, luv.info, luv.us, luv.biz) are parked as basic sites
    > no trademarks – no lawsuit – no competition
    > sounds better – as a statement – as a jingle
    > good for advertisement – impossible to forget
    > certain.ly a catchy phrase
    * search for “luv” produces 83,800,000 hits on Google

    * LUV is commonly used in English. According to Wikipedia, Luv or LUV may refer to:
    * Luv (song), a song by Janet Jackson.
    * Luv (television series), a BBC sitcom.
    * Luv, a Broadway play and 1967 film.
    * The Dutch pop group Luv’
    * The Chevrolet LUV, a “light utility vehicle”
    * Linux Users of Victoria (http://www.luv.asn.au)
    * The New York Stock Exchange symbol for Southwest Airlines
    * The IATA airport code of Dumatubin Airport in Langgur, Kai Islands, in the Maluku province of Indonesia
    * Large unilamellar vesicle: a type of phospholipid bilayer micelle.
    * The L*u*v* color space, a perceptually uniform color space used in computer graphics
    * A heart-shaped friendship token used on Bebo that can be giving out daily
    * The windward or “upstream” side of a dune; compare “alluvial”
    * Lava (Ramayana), a son of Rama in Hindu mythology

    And final.ly: luv.me is about love, shorter but sure.ly memorable.

  2. 2
    Premium LUV.ME auction « .ME of course:

    […] on Date.me, Love.me, Luv.me […]

  3. 3

    People fail forward to success.


