.ME in top 10 most frequently traded TLDs
According to Sedo's 2012 annual domain market study, .ME extension made its way into the top ten most frequently traded TLDs. In fact, it is on the 8th position below .com, .de, .net, .co.uk, .org, .eu, .info and above .es and .nl. It is closing on its two forerunners so stands very well to stay in top 10.
Buy.me, which was sold for 115,000.00 euro is also in top 10 public sales of 2012 (on the 6th position to be precise along with other three non .com names).
Short link: Copy - http://links2.me/~RhS2$fJ
February 8th, 2013 at 3:40 am
In the mean-time a drop ln4.me, which had about 39k monthly traffic, was auctioned via GoDaddy for $671.
March 21st, 2013 at 2:54 am
Fresh “me” sales @ Sedo:
adore.me 8,157 USD
emploi.me 2,500 USD
well.me 1,000 USD
madame.com 28,000 EUR
March 26th, 2013 at 9:27 pm
This week we have seen then .me exchanges:
orbit.me 1,500 USD
way.me 1,300 USD
also interesting names exchanged hands on Sedo:
aru.ba 2,000 EUR
glance.at 750 USD
hosting.bz 1,000 USD
catholic.tv 2,500 USD
April 9th, 2013 at 10:29 pm
This week sales at Sedo:
pig.me 1,150 USD
flow.me 1,050 USD
pool.me 800 USD
April 16th, 2013 at 9:50 pm
Another decent .me sale via Sedo: thin.me for 999 GBP
April 23rd, 2013 at 9:53 pm
Sedo sell more and more ccTLDs. E.g.,
hbl.me 895 USD
article.me 725 EUR
body.io 2,300 USD
j.ht 1,250 USD
fitline.rs 900 EUR
du.is 849 EUR
May 14th, 2013 at 11:00 pm
This week .me sales via Sedo:
ino.me 3,200 USD
espresso.me 1,300 USD
meel.me 750 EUR
May 22nd, 2013 at 6:47 pm
Recent .me sales:
ticket.me 9,600 USD
thy.me 5,000 USD
beep.me 2,050 USD