.ME of course

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Official .ME auctions (results)

Another official round of releasing reserved .ME domain names (188 in total) has just fade out at Sedo. The auctions ran for a week. As of an hour before the deadline there were about $65k of bids (half of that of the previous auction). Throughout the game, air.me was the front runner though it was speedily taken over in the final battle by cruise.me.

Naturally most of the show happened during the last minutes and two hours past the deadline. About 30 auctions were still running 10 minutes after the deadline, as new bids prolonged them. The final take from the auction was $173,439 or about $985 per domain name. This was much lower than last December and not even close, yet still okay, when comparing the greatest .ME registry sale last year. Despite the quality of keyword names - they did well.

Cruise.Me came as the winner the race ($28.5k). It was followed by air.me ($10k). Only those two crossed $10k line. The other names stayed in four digit positions.

Here goes the complete list of the results (the first number represent the final price, those with * - reserves not met, followed by the number of bids):

222.me ($300*, 2), 444.me ($575, 8), 555.me ($549, 4), 777.me ($2,900, 23), 999.me ($875, 12), adoptions.me ($499, 3), air.me ($10,099, 55), airline.me ($499, 3), airlines.me ($1,301, 22), ant.me ($499, 4), apartments.me ($1,550, 28), bald.me ($0*, -), beaver.me ($100*, 1), beef.me ($300*, 3), been.me ($0*, -), bird.me ($200*, 1), blue.me ($555, 5), boats.me ($1,000, 17), body.me ($700, 7), bogota.me ($250*, 1), brisbane.me ($609, 7), cab.me ($1,900, 27), calls.me ($450*, 1), camera.me ($2,160, 24), camp.me ($509, 10), camping.me ($499, 2), can.me ($499, 2), celeb.me ($499, 3), cellphones.me ($499, 2), chatroom.me ($499, 2), chatrooms.me ($0*, -), cheerleaders.me ($200*, 1), clock.me ($420*, 2), colombo.me ($250*, 1), commerce.me ($759, 10), computer.me ($499, 3), computers.me ($499, 3), concerttickets.me ($0*, -), contactlenses.me ($749, 7), continue.me ($499, 3), creditcheck.me ($901, 16), credits.me ($460*, 1), cricket.me ($1,400, 25), cruise.me ($28,500, 100), culture.me ($695, 7), datarecovery.me ($510, 5), dates.me ($1200, 16), debt.me ($800, 9), desktop.me ($100*, 1), digitalcameras.me ($400*, 1), domainhosting.me ($200*, 1), domainregistration.me ($100*, 1), dsl.me ($499, 3), dvd.me ($800, 9), dvdplayer.me ($300*, 1), ecard.me ($101*, 1), ecards.me ($121*, 3), economy.me ($300*, 1), electronics.me ($1,103, 18), euro.me ($300*, 5), exams.me ($101*, 1), fall.me ($499, 4), families.me ($100*, 1), files.me ($5,500, 67), flashgames.me ($300*, 1), florist.me ($1,650, 20), gibraltar.me ($460*, 3), goddess.me ($250*, 4), golfcourses.me ($400*, 2), graduate.me ($995, 9), greencard.me ($100*, 1), greeting.me ($499, 3), head.me ($100*, 1), hebrew.me ($160*, 5), honeymoon.me ($111*, 2), hospitals.me ($0*, -), hoteldeals.me ($425*, 1), houses.me ($499, 5), housing.me ($250*, 1), innovations.me ($100*, 1), japan.me ($5,269, 42), jewelers.me ($120*, 1), jobsearch.me ($250*, 2), jokes.me ($1,450, 22), karaoke.me ($600, 8), lamps.me ($350*, 1), language.me ($499, 2), laptop.me ($499, 2), legal.me ($8,100, 24), localdirectory.me ($300*, 1), locals.me ($111*, 2), looks.me ($150*, 3), losangeles.me ($1,100, 14), lottery.me ($2,150, 37), luck.me ($900, 19), magazine.me ($2,459, 27), mall.me ($1,550, 26), malta.me ($8,100, 46), mangas.me ($100*, 1), mathematics.me ($499, 1), medication.me ($499, 1), meds.me ($110*, 2), melbourne.me ($1,509, 24), mobilephone.me ($460*, 2), movers.me ($150*, 3), mozambique.me ($120*, 1), musicdownload.me ($100*, 1), musicvideo.me ($0*, -), nets.me ($100*, 1), notebooks.me ($200*, 1), ocean.me ($250*, 1), offshore.me ($350*, 3), oil.me ($5,000, 69), pacific.me ($210*, 2), paraguay.me ($250*, 2), parents.me ($499, 5), partners.me ($151*, 2), pda.me ($275*, 1), personals.me ($650, 6), police.me ($949, 15), pos.me ($350*, 1), pottery.me ($250*, 1), prayer.me ($400*, 5), printer.me ($300*, 6), private.me ($860, 11), prize.me ($400*, 1), professor.me ($300*, 2), prom.me ($100*, 1), promotion.me ($400*, 1), psychologists.me ($0*, -), publicrelations.me ($400*, 1), pvc.me ($200*, 1), races.me ($0*, -), rail.me ($120*, 3), rap.me ($499, 2), ratings.me ($499, 2), recycling.me ($400*, 7), resort.me ($475*, 1), restaurant.me ($6,618, 59), result.me ($0*, -), rugby.me ($559, 7), sap.me ($559, 6), scanner.me ($400*, 1), scientist.me ($499, 2), searchengine.me ($499, 2), seniors.me ($499, 4), shoppers.me ($110*, 1), singles.me ($2,350, 30), skin.me ($499, 3), slimming.me ($150*, 2), sofa.me ($499, 5), sofas.me ($0*, -), spamfilter.me ($0*, -), steel.me ($499, 5), sydney.me ($3,109, 51), table.me ($499, 3), tablet.me ($400*, 9), tabletpc.me ($100*, 1), telephone.me ($650, 9), tool.me ($1,060, 19), tools.me ($300*, 3), tourist.me ($270*, 3), tours.me ($499, 4), town.me ($250*, 2), tractors.me ($200*, 2), traffic.me ($859, 13), traveling.me ($870, 5), trees.me ($499, 5), truck.me ($900, 18), trucks.me ($2,213, 38), tunes.me ($499, 5), unitedkingdom.me ($300*, 2), uruguay.me ($210*, 2), vans.me ($0*, -), venturecapital.me ($700, 10), war.me ($100*, 1), washingmachine.me ($100*, 1), way.me ($499, 5), webhost.me ($499, 2), websitehosting.me ($600, 4), west.me ($250*, 1), wifi.me ($709, 8), wines.me ($859, 13), winter.me ($499, 2), wireless.me ($1610, 31), wrestling.me ($499, 2), yearbook.me ($499, 7), and zimbabwe.me ($210*, 2)

In terms of bids, cruise.me was the unchallenged leader as well with exactly 1oo placements. All other names enjoyed less than hundred bids.

If we look only at the names that met the reserve price (96 of them), the average take was $3,927.93 per domain name.

Thus talking about the sales, this is the league list of this round of premium .ME auctions with 1,001 placed bids about $499:

cruise.me ($28,500, 100), air.me ($10,099, 55), legal.me ($8,100, 24), malta.me ($8,100, 46), restaurant.me ($6,618, 59), files.me ($5,500, 67), japan.me ($5,269, 42), oil.me ($5,000, 69), sydney.me ($3,109, 51), 777.me ($2,900, 23), magazine.me ($2,459, 27), singles.me ($2,350, 30), trucks.me ($2,213, 38), camera.me ($2,160, 24), lottery.me ($2,150, 37), cab.me ($1,900, 27), florist.me ($1,650, 20), wireless.me ($1,610, 31), apartments.me ($1,550, 28), mall.me ($1,550, 26), melbourne.me ($1,509, 24), jokes.me ($1,450, 22), cricket.me ($1,400, 25), airlines.me ($1,301, 22), dates.me ($1,200, 16), electronics.me ($1,103, 18), losangeles.me ($1,100, 14), tool.me ($1,060, 19), boats.me ($1,000, 17), graduate.me ($995, 9), police.me ($949, 15), creditcheck.me ($901, 16), luck.me ($900, 19), truck.me ($900, 18), 999.me ($875, 12), traveling.me ($870, 5), private.me ($860, 11), traffic.me ($859, 13), wines.me ($859, 13), debt.me ($800, 9), dvd.me ($800, 9), commerce.me ($759, 10), contactlenses.me ($749, 7), wifi.me ($709, 8), body.me ($700, 7), venturecapital.me ($700, 10), culture.me ($695, 7), personals.me ($650, 6), telephone.me ($650, 9), brisbane.me ($609, 7), karaoke.me ($600, 8), websitehosting.me ($600, 4), 444.me ($575, 8), rugby.me ($559, 7), sap.me ($559, 6), blue.me ($555, 5), 555.me ($549, 4), datarecovery.me ($510, 5), camp.me ($509, 10), adoptions.me ($499, 3), airline.me ($499, 3), ant.me ($499, 4), camping.me ($499, 2), can.me ($499, 2), celeb.me ($499, 3), cellphones.me ($499, 2), chatroom.me ($499, 2), computer.me ($499, 3), computers.me ($499, 3), continue.me ($499, 3), dsl.me ($499, 3), fall.me ($499, 4), greeting.me ($499, 3), houses.me ($499, 5), language.me ($499, 2), laptop.me ($499, 2), mathematics.me ($499, 1), medication.me ($499, 1), parents.me ($499, 5), rap.me ($499, 2), ratings.me ($499, 2), scientist.me ($499, 2), searchengine.me ($499, 2), seniors.me ($499, 4), skin.me ($499, 3), sofa.me ($499, 5), steel.me ($499, 5), table.me ($499, 3), tours.me ($499, 4), trees.me ($499, 5), tunes.me ($499, 5), way.me ($499, 5), webhost.me ($499, 2), winter.me ($499, 2), wrestling.me ($499, 2), and yearbook.me ($499, 7)

29 domain names passed $1,000 threshold.

80 of the names didn't meet the reserve prices:

222.me, beaver.me, beef.me, bird.me, bogota.me, calls.me, cheerleaders.me, clock.me, colombo.me, credits.me, desktop.me, digitalcameras.me, domainhosting.me, domainregistration.me, dvdplayer.me, ecard.me, ecards.me, economy.me, euro.me, exams.me, families.me, flashgames.me, gibraltar.me, goddess.me, golfcourses.me, greencard.me, head.me, hebrew.me, honeymoon.me, hoteldeals.me, housing.me, innovations.me, jewelers.me, jobsearch.me, lamps.me, localdirectory.me, locals.me, looks.me, mangas.me, meds.me, mobilephone.me, movers.me, mozambique.me, musicdownload.me, nets.me, notebooks.me, ocean.me, offshore.me, pacific.me, paraguay.me, partners.me, pda.me, pos.me, pottery.me, prayer.me, printer.me, prize.me, professor.me, prom.me, promotion.me, publicrelations.me, pvc.me, rail.me, recycling.me, resort.me, scanner.me, shoppers.me, slimming.me, tablet.me, tabletpc.me, tools.me, tourist.me, town.me, tractors.me, unitedkingdom.me, uruguay.me, war.me, washingmachine.me, west.me, and zimbabwe.me

Hence, resulting in no sales (unless the registry changes its mind). This would deprive them from $19,261 of extra revenues (or $240 per domain name). Most probably we shall see these names coming back next year.

12 names, or 6% of the total received no bids at all:

bald.me, been.me, chatrooms.me, concerttickets.me, hospitals.me, musicvideo.me, psychologists.me, races.me, result.me, sofas.me, spamfilter.me, and vans.me

12 auctions lasted longer than half an hour: airlines.me, apartments.me, cricket.me, cruise.me, electronics.me, files.me, japan.me, luck.me, oil.me, tool.me, trucks.me, and wireless.me. Two of them, oil.me and trucks.me, lasted longer than 90 minutes but then finished before 100 minute mark.

Auction history logs be viewed for the names that met reserves under the following links:

Bundled references:

Short link: [Facebook] [Twitter] [Email] Copy - http://links2.me/~Zh11$cI

2 Responses to “Official .ME auctions (results)”

  1. 1

    The reason you had 80 that didn’t meet the reserve price is because the way SEDO handled the auction. On the main page it said “Reserve $1-$499” which leads you to believe that as long as your initial bid is within that range you’ve met the reserve. That wasn’t the case. I bid on a few .me domains but I stayed under $499 expecting someone to bid it up with me. When that didn’t happen I had to start bidding against myself, upping my own bid trying to get it close to the reserve without really knowing what the reserve was for each domain. In the future I suggest you have a clear reserve price (not a range) and even possibly a “Buy it Now” price like they do in other auctions. Too bad because had I known I would have just bought two of the domains I was bidding on at the $500 price had I known that was what it needed to be.

  2. 2
    .ME The .ME Discussion and Showcase - Page 242 - NamePros.com:

    […] NamePros.com http://www.namepros.com/showthread.php?t=503896 http://dot-me.of-cour.se/2012/05/31/…l-me-auctions/ __________________ ■ TheRedZone.TV ■ WhoisLand.com […]


