.ME of course

Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget

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Grand Keyword .ME auctions II (results)

Second set of 178 top keyword .me domain names was auctioning at Sedo for a week. As of half an hour before the end there were about $126k of bids. In the last 30 minutes, forex.me became the front runner and the total bids increased to $184k. Though naturally most of the show happened during the last minutes and two hours after the official deadline. About 50 auctions were still running 15 minutes after the deadline, as new bids prolonged them. The final take from the auction was $361,275 or about $2,425 per domain name. This was much better than last December and very close, yet still below, the greatest .ME registry sale last year. Despite the quality of keywords is not that of jingles the names did very well.

Hotel.Me came as the winner the race ($25k). It was followed by life.me ($17.5k), forex.me ($16k), and cams.me (10k) which also crossed $10k line. The other names stayed below five digit positions.

Here goes the complete list of the results (the first number represent the final price, those with * - reserves not met, followed by the number of bids):

111.me ($499, 5), 333.me ($499, 3), 411.me ($4,544, 35), 666.me ($680, 7), 999.me ($100*, 1), adoptions.me ($200*, 2), adventure.me ($3,675, 44), airline.me ($175*, 4), airlines.me ($2,000, 35), amateur.me ($499, 3), asia.me ($2,401, 25), attorney.me ($2,050, 13), bag.me ($1,451, 18), bald.me ($150*, 2), banking.me ($999, 3), bar.me ($400*, 2), been.me ($150*, 1), bikinis.me ($999, 1), bird.me ($110*, 2), blackjack.me ($7,400, 73), blue.me ($200*, 2), boats.me ($200*, 1), body.me ($500*, 5), cameras.me ($1,050, 4), camp.me ($200*, 2), camping.me ($500*, 1), cams.me ($10,000, 24), can.me ($150*, 2), cancer.me ($999, 2), carrental.me ($655, 9), center.me ($4,700, 63), chatroom.me ($-*, -), clock.me ($-*, -), club.me ($999, 2), coffee.me ($5100, 18), college.me ($6,055, 29), colombo.me ($-*, -), contactlenses.me ($355*, 3), continue.me ($-*, -), copyright.me ($1,100, 19), country.me ($999, 9), course.me ($499, 5), creditcard.me ($7,200, 23), creditcheck.me ($375*, 4), credits.me ($-*, -), cricket.me ($2,550, 36), cruise.me ($7,076, 60), dates.me ($7100, 43), diabetes.me ($4,100, 31), digitalcameras.me ($150*, 1), doctor.me ($7,100, 32), doctors.me ($999, 3), domainhosting.me ($151*, 2), #N/A, dvd.me ($999*, 1), dvdplayer.me ($-*, -), earth.me ($2,151, 30), electronics.me ($200*, 1), engineering.me ($499, 4), entertainment.me ($499, 2), euro.me ($726*, 5), europe.me ($2,150, 12), evil.me ($999, 8), families.me ($-*, -), farm.me ($999, 1), file.me ($7,301, 52), files.me ($2,250, 32), fish.me ($999, 6), forex.me ($16,099, 64), friends.me ($2750, 19), furniture.me ($999, 5), germany.me ($1150, 6), gibraltar.me ($-*, -), gift.me ($9,000, 53), graduate.me ($230*, 4), greeting.me ($150*, 2), hebrew.me ($100*, 1), honeymoon.me ($150*, 2), hongkong.me ($1,200, 6), hospital.me ($499, 3), hospitals.me ($-*, -), hotel.me ($25,000, 78), hoteldeals.me ($275*, 4), japan.me ($650*, 4), jewelers.me ($-*, -), journal.me ($4,800, 64), language.me ($100*, 1), laptop.me ($125*, 2), lawyer.me ($6,600, 30), legal.me ($800*, 6), life.me ($17,450, 117), linux.me ($499, 1), llc.me ($3,111, 37), localdirectory.me ($110*, 1), luck.me ($-*, -), lyrics.me ($999, 2), macau.me ($7,000, 46), magazine.me ($-*, -), mall.me ($3,800, 41), mathematics.me ($-*, -), mobilephone.me ($260*, 2), mortgage.me ($7,100, 41), movies.me ($8,800, 114), mozambique.me ($-*, -), newyork.me ($6,200, 33), nutrition.me ($700, 13), ocean.me ($150*, 2), offshore.me ($300*, 3), parents.me ($-*, -), partners.me ($-*, -), pda.me ($-*, -), peer.me ($499, 2), personals.me ($-*, -), perth.me ($999, 2), pet.me ($6,100, 31), prayer.me ($100*, 1), printer.me ($-*, -), private.me ($950*, 3), prize.me ($-*, -), promotion.me ($-*, -), psychologists.me ($300*, 1), #N/A, quality.me ($499, 2), rating.me ($499, 6), ratings.me ($-*, -), recycling.me ($220*, 3), religion.me ($999, 8), rental.me ($999, 12), resort.me ($600*, 3), restaurant.me ($700*, 7), school.me ($3,600, 15), science.me ($2,350, 29), searchengine.me ($300*, 1), seattle.me ($2,000, 15), secret.me ($999, 7), shoe.me ($3,300, 51), shoppers.me ($100*, 1), singles.me ($1,000*, 1), skin.me ($800*, 2), slimming.me ($-*, -), sofa.me ($160*, 3), sofas.me ($-*, -), software.me ($1,850, 18), source.me ($4,800, 60), stocks.me ($6,399, 80), streaming.me ($999, 3), succeed.me ($499, 1), tabletpc.me ($-*, -), team.me ($5,300, 56), technology.me ($4,000, 12), telephone.me ($260*, 1), television.me ($999, 6), tickets.me ($1,250, 17), tours.me ($-*, -), town.me ($-*, -), toys.me ($5,050, 66), tractors.me ($200*, 3), traffic.me ($999, 2), train.me ($8,200, 44), traveling.me ($200*, 1), unitedstates.me ($999, 1), uruguay.me ($-*, -), usa.me ($9,200, 76), vacation.me ($1,049, 8), vancouver.me ($4,900, 25), venture.me ($2,550, 23), webhost.me ($400*, 3), webhosting.me ($2,100, 13), websitehosting.me ($250*, 1), wedding.me ($1,050, 14), west.me ($101*, 1), who.me ($8,277, 76), wifi.me ($500*, 2), wine.me ($7,100, 53), wines.me ($-*, -), winter.me ($400*, 7), wrestling.me ($700*, 3), and yoga.me ($5,650, 35)

In terms of bids, life.me and movies.me were the leaders with 117 and 114 bids respectively. Other enjoyed less than hundred bids.

If we look only at the names that met the reserve price (94 of them), the average take was $3,656 per domain name, even slightly higher than during the premium auction one year ago.

Thus talking about the sales, this is the league list of this year premium .ME auctions with 60 closing bids about $1,000:

hotel.me ($25,000, 78), life.me ($17,450, 117), forex.me ($16,099, 64), cams.me ($10,000, 24), usa.me ($9,200, 76), gift.me ($9,000, 53), movies.me ($8,800, 114), who.me ($8,277, 76), train.me ($8,200, 44), blackjack.me ($7,400, 73), file.me ($7,301, 52), creditcard.me ($7,200, 23), wine.me ($7,100, 53), dates.me ($7,100, 43), mortgage.me ($7,100, 41), doctor.me ($7,100, 32), cruise.me ($7,076, 60), macau.me ($7,000, 46), lawyer.me ($6,600, 30), stocks.me ($6,399, 80), newyork.me ($6,200, 33), pet.me ($6,100, 31), college.me ($6,055, 29), yoga.me ($5,650, 35), team.me ($5,300, 56), coffee.me ($5,100, 18), toys.me ($5,050, 66), vancouver.me ($4,900, 25), journal.me ($4,800, 64), source.me ($4,800, 60), center.me ($4,700, 63), 411.me ($4,544, 35), diabetes.me ($4,100, 31), technology.me ($4,000, 12), mall.me ($3,800, 41), adventure.me ($3,675, 44), school.me ($3,600, 15), shoe.me ($3,300, 51), llc.me ($3,111, 37), friends.me ($2,750, 19), cricket.me ($2,550, 36), venture.me ($2,550, 23), asia.me ($2,401, 25), science.me ($2,350, 29), files.me ($2,250, 32), earth.me ($2,151, 30), europe.me ($2,150, 12), webhosting.me ($2,100, 13), attorney.me ($2,050, 13), airlines.me ($2,000, 35), seattle.me ($2,000, 15), software.me ($1,850, 18), bag.me ($1,451, 18), tickets.me ($1,250, 17), hongkong.me ($1,200, 6), germany.me ($1,150, 6), copyright.me ($1,100, 19), wedding.me ($1,050, 14), cameras.me ($1,050, 4), and vacation.me ($1,049, 8 )

Nearly half of the names, namely 84, didn't meet the reserve prices:

999.me, adoptions.me, airline.me, bald.me, bar.me, been.me, bird.me, blue.me, boats.me, body.me, camp.me, camping.me, can.me, chatroom.me, clock.me, colombo.me, contactlenses.me, continue.me, creditcheck.me, credits.me, digitalcameras.me, domainhosting.me, domainregistration.me, dvd.me, dvdplayer.me, electronics.me, euro.me, families.me, gibraltar.me, graduate.me, greeting.me, hebrew.me, honeymoon.me, hospitals.me, hoteldeals.me, japan.me, jewelers.me, language.me, laptop.me, legal.me, localdirectory.me, luck.me, magazine.me, mathematics.me, mobilephone.me, mozambique.me, ocean.me, offshore.me, parents.me, partners.me, pda.me, personals.me, prayer.me, printer.me, private.me, prize.me, promotion.me, psychologists.me, publicrelations.me, ratings.me, recycling.me, resort.me, restaurant.me, searchengine.me, shoppers.me, singles.me, skin.me, slimming.me, sofa.me, sofas.me, tabletpc.me, telephone.me, tours.me, town.me, tractors.me, traveling.me, uruguay.me, webhost.me, websitehosting.me, west.me, wifi.me, wines.me, winter.me, and wrestling.me

Hence, resulting in no sales (unless the registry changes its mind). This would deprive them from $17,632 of extra revenues (or $321 per domain name). Most probably we shall see these names coming back next season.

29 names, or 16% of the total received no bids at all:

chatroom.me, clock.me, colombo.me, continue.me, credits.me, dvdplayer.me, families.me, gibraltar.me, hospitals.me, jewelers.me, luck.me, magazine.me, mathematics.me, mozambique.me, parents.me, partners.me, pda.me, personals.me, printer.me, prize.me, promotion.me, ratings.me, slimming.me, sofas.me, tabletpc.me, tours.me, town.me, uruguay.me, and wines.me

15 auctions lasted longer than one hour: airlines.me, center.me, cricket.me, diabetes.me, files.me, life.me, macau.me, mall.me, movies.me, shoe.me, source.me, team.me, usa.me, who.me, and yoga.me. Five of them, center.me, shoe.me, source.me, team.me, and who.me, lasted longer than two hours. All of these finished shortly (past two hours) and the last one source.me finished in about 200 minutes of extended period.

Auction history logs be viewed for the names that met reserves under the following links:

Bundled references:

Short link: [Facebook] [Twitter] [Email] Copy - http://links2.me/~JCF2$av

6 Responses to “Grand Keyword .ME auctions II (results)”

  1. 1
    .ME The .ME Discussion and Showcase - Page 230 - NamePros.com:

    […] Sedo Final Results http://dot-me.of-cour.se/2012/02/09/…ns-ii-results/ […]

  2. 2
    Audios.me Potential premium domain for cheap price. regd @ Godaddy - NamePros.com:

    […] Audios.me Rare key word domain. Low start. All extn taken. reg@ GD. Similar .me sales recently Click to see more Hotel.Me $25k life.me .. $17.5k forex.me $16k cams.me $10k Click to see .me sales for a […]

  3. 3

    Just finished @ Sedo

    Bidding History: attorneys.me
    Winning Bid: 2,750 USD Reserve met!
    Winning Bidder: Bidder 1
    Auction ended: Mar/22/12 06:07 PM CET

    Bidder Date Amount Info
    Bidder 1 Mar/22/12 05:57 PM CET 2,750 USD Winning Bid! Bid automatically placed by Sedo.
    Bidder 3 Mar/22/12 05:57 PM CET 2,650 USD This offer caused the auction to get extended.
    Bidder 1 Mar/22/12 05:56 PM CET 2,550 USD
    Bidder 3 Mar/22/12 05:56 PM CET 2,500 USD Bid automatically placed by Sedo. This offer caused the auction to get extended.
    Bidder 3 Mar/22/12 05:54 PM CET 2,450 USD
    Bidder 1 Mar/22/12 05:54 PM CET 2,400 USD Bid automatically placed by Sedo.
    Bidder 1 Mar/22/12 05:53 PM CET 2,250 USD Bid automatically placed by Sedo.
    Bidder 3 Mar/22/12 05:53 PM CET 2,200 USD
    Bidder 1 Mar/22/12 05:52 PM CET 2,100 USD
    Bidder 3 Mar/22/12 05:51 PM CET 2,050 USD
    Bidder 1 Mar/22/12 05:49 PM CET 2,000 USD Bid automatically placed by Sedo.
    Bidder 3 Mar/22/12 05:49 PM CET 2,000 USD
    Bidder 1 Mar/22/12 05:49 PM CET 1,950 USD Bid automatically placed by Sedo.
    Bidder 3 Mar/22/12 05:49 PM CET 1,900 USD
    Bidder 1 Mar/22/12 05:48 PM CET 1,800 USD Bid automatically placed by Sedo.
    Bidder 3 Mar/22/12 05:48 PM CET 1,750 USD
    Bidder 1 Mar/22/12 05:48 PM CET 1,700 USD
    Bidder 3 Mar/22/12 05:41 PM CET 1,650 USD
    Bidder 1 Mar/22/12 05:41 PM CET 1,600 USD Bid automatically placed by Sedo.
    Bidder 3 Mar/22/12 05:41 PM CET 1,600 USD
    Bidder 1 Mar/22/12 05:41 PM CET 1,550 USD Bid automatically placed by Sedo.
    Bidder 3 Mar/22/12 05:41 PM CET 1,500 USD
    Bidder 1 Mar/22/12 05:39 PM CET 1,450 USD Bid automatically placed by Sedo.
    Bidder 3 Mar/22/12 05:39 PM CET 1,400 USD
    Bidder 1 Mar/22/12 05:39 PM CET 1,350 USD Bid automatically placed by Sedo.
    Bidder 3 Mar/22/12 05:39 PM CET 1,300 USD
    Bidder 1 Mar/22/12 05:22 PM CET 1,250 USD Bid automatically placed by Sedo.
    Bidder 2 Mar/22/12 05:22 PM CET 1,200 USD
    Bidder 1 Mar/17/12 05:12 PM CET 999 USD
    Bidder 2 Mar/17/12 04:57 PM CET 900 USD
    Bidder 1 Mar/17/12 07:52 AM CET 600 USD

    Other names didn’t match somewhat higher reserves: http://many.at/sedo2012me03/

  4. 4

    The rumour has it that App.Me was sold for 50k.

  5. 5

    Source: http://www.hybriddomainer.com/2012/04/psoriasiscom-sold-for-350000-go-daddy-monthly-sales-report-for-march.html

  6. 6

    Fresh .me auction @ Sedo, quite of a bargain if you dared:

    Bidding History: dirty.me
    Winning Bid: 330 USD Reserve met.
    Winning Bidder: Bidder 4
    Auction ended: Apr/26/12 12:00 PM EST
    Bidder Date Amount Info
    Bidder 4 Apr/26/12 06:26 AM EST 330 USD Winning Bid! Bid automatically placed by Sedo.
    Bidder 5 Apr/26/12 06:26 AM EST 320 USD
    Bidder 4 Apr/25/12 09:44 PM EST 220 USD
    Bidder 2 Apr/25/12 09:44 PM EST 210 USD Bid automatically placed by Sedo.FAQ
    Bidder 2 Apr/20/12 05:25 PM EST 160 USD Bid automatically placed by Sedo.FAQ
    Bidder 3 Apr/20/12 05:25 PM EST 150 USD
    Bidder 2 Apr/19/12 08:28 PM EST 130 USD
    Bidder 1 Apr/19/12 08:28 PM EST 120 USD Bid automatically placed by Sedo.FAQ
    Bidder 1 Apr/19/12 02:32 PM EST 100 USD


