.ME of course

Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget

.ME of course RSS Feed

Strange paradox of .ME.UK

Alexa lists only 82 .ME.UK sites in its global one million list (a less than 1% of 1%), namely:

workingwith.me.uk, online-betting.me.uk, mediums.me.uk, purchasedomainnames.me.uk, tom.me.uk, harddriverecovery.me.uk, xnxx.me.uk, myls.me.uk, cracks.me.uk, famousquotes.me.uk, cellphoneshop.me.uk, dorward.me.uk, autogk.me.uk, onlinescratchcards.me.uk, charlescooke.me.uk, seoplink.me.uk, rogerdarlington.me.uk, free-stuff.me.uk, quotations.me.uk, londonmarket.me.uk, hymns.me.uk, love-poems.me.uk, mobilephonedeals.me.uk, homegarden.me.uk, medium.me.uk, caminodesantiago.me.uk, wilmots.me.uk, watchfootballonline.me.uk, 3g.me.uk, flightstosydney.me.uk, origa.me.uk, uggbootsoutletuk.me.uk, freeaddsgalore.me.uk, neocolours.me.uk, bluehorizon.me.uk, clairvoyant.me.uk, uggbaileybutton.me.uk, robm.me.uk, currency.me.uk, buy-to-let.me.uk, thekid.me.uk, flightstomanila.me.uk, emmerdale.me.uk, ralphlaurenpolo.me.uk, webdirectory.me.uk, chestfreezers.me.uk, belstaff-jackets.me.uk, castles.me.uk, washingmachinereviews.me.uk, bbw.me.uk, howtodo.me.uk, flightstojohannesburg.me.uk, online-business.me.uk, neilturner.me.uk, personal-art.me.uk, devilskitchen.me.uk, freebets.me.uk, skyhi.me.uk, ukuggsbootssale.me.uk, flightstodelhi.me.uk, freewebsite.me.uk, blackdale.me.uk, myscience.me.uk, craigmurray.me.uk, halogenoven.me.uk, triplejackchampionship.me.uk, hypnosis.me.uk, sideshow.me.uk, winecooler.me.uk, show.me.uk, herb.me.uk, polotop.me.uk, searchengineslist.me.uk, kittie.me.uk, blackpool-hotels.me.uk, sicilyholidays.me.uk, cricketgames.me.uk, hwb.me.uk, ramtips.me.uk, pond-life.me.uk, sleepingtablets.me.uk, and homeopathyheals.me.uk

Half of them (43 to be precise) have .me counterparts:

3g.me(*), bbw.me, bluehorizon.me, caminodesantiago.me, castles.me, clairvoyant.me, cracks.me, craigmurray.me, cricketgames.me, currency.me, emmerdale.me, famousquotes.me, freebets.me, free-stuff.me, freewebsite.me, harddriverecovery.me, herb.me, homegarden.me, howtodo.me, hwb.me, hymns.me, hypnosis.me, kittie.me, medium.me, mediums.me, mobilephonedeals.me, myls.me, myscience.me, online-business.me, onlinescratchcards.me, origa.me, personal-art.me, quotations.me, robm.me, seoplink.me, show.me, sideshow.me, thekid.me, tom.me, webdirectory.me, winecooler.me, workingwith.me, and xnxx.me
(*) - premium name reserved by the registry

The other 39 are still for grabs in .me zone:

autogk.me, belstaff-jackets.me, blackdale.me, blackpool-hotels.me, buy-to-let.me, cellphoneshop.me, charlescooke.me, chestfreezers.me, devilskitchen.me, dorward.me, flightstodelhi.me, flightstojohannesburg.me, flightstomanila.me, flightstosydney.me, freeaddsgalore.me, halogenoven.me, homeopathyheals.me, londonmarket.me, love-poems.me, neilturner.me, neocolours.me, online-betting.me, polotop.me, pond-life.me, purchasedomainnames.me, ralphlaurenpolo.me, ramtips.me, rogerdarlington.me, searchengineslist.me, sicilyholidays.me, skyhi.me, sleepingtablets.me, triplejackchampionship.me, uggbaileybutton.me, uggbootsoutletuk.me, ukuggsbootssale.me, washingmachinereviews.me, watchfootballonline.me, and wilmots.me

This is a true phenomenon of the domaining market the history will hopefully correct soon.

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4 Responses to “Strange paradox of .ME.UK”

  1. 1

    There were no public sale in .me.uk for a year. The zone is phasing out so to say.

    Welcome me.uk $1,544 Dec 10 Sedo
    Gifts me.uk $1,856 Dec 10 Sedo
    Newcastle me.uk $312 Jul 09 Sedo Auction
    DebtHelp me.uk $300 Jun 09 Sedo Auction
    Animals me.uk $79 Apr 09 Sedo Auction
    Music me.uk $800 Mar 09 Sedo Auction
    Saving me.uk $93 Feb 09 Sedo Auction
    PromoCodes me.uk $187 Nov 08 Sedo Auction
    ILoveYou me.uk $140 Sep 08 Sedo Auction
    Gifts me.uk $2,244 Aug 08 Sedo
    W0 me.uk $99 Jul 08 Sedo Auction
    Y0 me.uk $99 Jul 08 Sedo Auction
    I0 me.uk $99 Jul 08 Sedo Auction
    K0 me.uk $99 Jul 08 Sedo Auction
    L0 me.uk $99 Jul 08 Sedo Auction
    Welcome me.uk $2,006 Jul 08 Sedo
    Assist me.uk $198 Apr 08 Sedo Auction
    Forex me.uk $779 Jan 08 Afternic
    DomainNames me.uk $217 Jan 08 Sedo Auction
    HouseInsurance me.uk $2,022 Oct 07 Sedo Auction
    Horny me.uk $991 Dec 06 Sedo Auction
    Teach me.uk $162 Dec 06 Sedo Auction
    Lend me.uk $162 Dec 06 Sedo Auction
    Ask me.uk $555 Dec 06 Sedo Auction
    Love me.uk $879 Dec 06 Sedo Auction

  2. 2

    Few more interesting bits:

    (i) workingwith.me.uk – is the only .me.** site in top 100k.

    (ii) there are also two .me.it sites in the list
    salina.me.it & capodorlando.me.it
    both are taken in .me: salina.me & capodorlando.me

    (iii) then another three official sites of the State of Maine:
    state.me.us & k12.me.us & lib.me.us
    all are also taken in .me: state.me & k12.me & lib.me

    (iiii) although Kenia and few more countries have .me.** zones, none of them makes into 1m list.
    Google search for site:me.ke returns 3,120 results
    many of them are still for grabs in .me

  3. 3

    They are now about to launch also me.za:


  4. 4

    Still wondering, why would someone register both barelylegal.me.uk and barelylegal.me?


