How .ME domain names compare to other gTLDs?
This morning coffee braincrunch led to the following conclusion: .ME sites are as good as .COM.
Interested in numbers? There we go. There are currently about 450k .me domain names. Google has already found about 150,000,000 results on site:me. This is 333 pages for every domain name.
The numbers for other major TLDs are pretty aligned:
TLD | Number of domains | Number of pages | Pages per domain |
.com | 94,652,359 | 25,270,000,000 | 267 |
.net | 13,969,541 | 6,570,000,000 | 470 |
.org | 9,589,415 | 3,390,000,000 | 354 |
.info | 8,147,824 | 1,160,000,000 | 142 |
.biz | 2,248,661 | 1,470,000,000 | 654 |
.us | 1,884,589 | 356,000,000 | 189 |
.me | 450,000 | 150,000,000 | 333 |
So .ME is just doing great in the middle.
A propos, can still be yours.
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April 18th, 2011 at 2:54 pm
Another great names to register would be – for the time being, check you name @
April 19th, 2011 at 5:13 pm
Recent post on short country codes: