.ME of course

Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget

.ME of course RSS Feed

Two letters .me


There are so many .me sites around buzzing all over the web every day. Now, what LL.ME sites are there out of 1,296* possible combinations?

We have found seven sites + ac.me and co.me used by local educational and business institutions in Montenegro.

  • ac.me
  • co.me
  • fb.me (Facebook)
  • go.me (GoDaddy)
  • me.me (Yahoo!)
  • ti.me (TIME magazine)
  • vk.me (VKontakte)
  • wp.me (WordPress)
  • yb.me (MyYearbook)

Which ones are missed?

N.B. 1,296 = 36 x 36 - number of combinations if we take into account Latin letters and single digits. 676 letter-only combinations represent slightly than 52% of them.

Short link: [Facebook] [Twitter] [Email] Copy - http://links2.me/~14S2$Vt

7 Responses to “Two letters .me”

  1. 1

    A propos, GoDaddy also uses http://mygd.me/ for all the shortcuts you need as a client.

  2. 2

    and the most popular .co.me is dan.co.me so far.

  3. 3

    Popular LLL.me go as follows:

    139.me, 2b3.me, 2bb.me, 4ms.me, 5yt.me, 8se.me, 9se.me, a13.me, a7a.me, abm.me, aql.me, b2l.me, boa.me, chv.me, eax.me, ele.me, en4.me, enp.me, eti.me, ezo.me, f3m.me, fav.me, fbg.me, fl5.me, fzc.me, gib.me, go2.me, gtf.me, gx8.me, gxr.me, hbu.me, hct.me, ily.me, ipc.me, ir2.me, iwl.me, iyu.me, izs.me, jif.me, kcy.me, ks8.me, kxk.me, l4c.me, laj.me, ln4.me, lts.me, lvh.me, mf0.me, mfo.me, mm8.me, mqq.me, mzd.me, nh2.me, nic.me, nmk.me, ocb.me, oib.me, omy.me, ons.me, pcm.me, pd4.me, phn.me, plr.me, pnt.me, pxd.me, pzg.me, qrv.me, rdn.me, rf3.me, rjv.me, rlb.me, se4.me, seg.me, slj.me, smo.me, so5.me, sxi.me, t2m.me, ted.me, ter.me, th9.me, tmd.me, tmi.me, tuy.me, txt.me, u22.me, uan.me, ug0.me, unp.me, upl.me, utw.me, uub.me, uuh.me, v88.me, vih.me, vqv.me, vur.me, wbx.me, http://www.me, xcs.me, xju.me, xux.me, yan.me, yrn.me, yvy.me, zee.me, zef.me, zww.me, and zxy.me

  4. 4

    As posted by Tim, a nice hack: wel.co.me.

  5. 5

    Just a quick update, as of today, there are 11 two character .me active. Namely: ac.me, co.me, di.me, fb.me, go.me, me.me, ro.me, ti.me, vk.me, wp.me, yb.me (or less then 1%). None of the known one character domains is used. All parked as premium names. Wishing them more to come.

  6. 6

    yume.com should be now interested in yu.me

  7. 7

    yb.me is now forwarding to meet.me service.


