10% of top 30 ccTLD sales are .me
As of today, three .me domain names can be found in top 30 ccTLDs sales as year-to-date, or 10% of all ccTLDs.
* Art.me ($10,000)
* Dry.me (€6,666 = $9,132)
* Judge.me ($7,820)
Art.me was aquired by Chinese ArtNet.cn. Dry.me, sold by Brands-and-Jingles, went to German barber chain Velly.de. Judge.me is still parked at GoDaddy.me.
All three domain names changed hands via Sedo of course.
Source: DNJournal
All references: [1 - 2]
Short link:
Copy - http://links2.me/~A732$V8