.ME of course

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Results of the Grand.Me auction ever

Right after the initial deadline the following 41 domain name did generate USD 91,545 in auctions on Sedo:

contacts.me (USD 15,600), shop.me (USD 8,200), try.me (USD 7,100), employ.me (USD 6,099), green.me (USD 4,700), hear.me (USD 3,300), text.me (USD 3,105), feed.me (USD 3,100), mark.me (USD 2,200), mp3.me (USD 2,160), home.me (USD 2,050), one.me (USD 2,050), votefor.me (USD 1,550), sms.me (USD 1,499), hack.me (USD 1,450), message.me (USD 1,350), fit.me (USD 1,301), listen.me (USD 1,250), record.me (USD 1,200), clean.me (USD 1,099), pets.me (USD 1,099), drop.me (USD 1,050), put.me (USD 1,050), open.me (USD 1,000), local.me (USD 999), office.me (USD 999), push.me (USD 999), present.me (USD 999), pin.me (USD 999), promise.me (USD 999), kids.me (USD 999), history.me (USD 999), box.me (USD 999), serve.me (USD 999), messenger.me (USD 999), today.me (USD 999), vote.me (USD 999), b2b.me (USD 999), will.me (USD 999), wish.me (USD 999), and security.me (USD 999)

30 other names did not pass the USD 999 reserve price though they did enjoyed the cummulative bid of USD 13,683. These names will probably come back in the future auctions:

beautiful.me (USD 960), thank.me (USD 888), tease.me (USD 750), direct.me (USD 750), sale.me (USD 750), represent.me (USD 722), prove.me (USD 600), rss.me (USD 600), laptop.me (USD 600), house.me (USD 569), have.me (USD 569), jet.me (USD 555), blue.me (USD 500), speak.me (USD 500), release.me (USD 500), software.me (USD 500), evil.me (USD 500), screen.me (USD 500), allow.me (USD 500), next.me (USD 400), magazine.me (USD 300), restaurant.me (USD 250), cartoon.me (USD 250), throw.me (USD 210), account.me (USD 150), ringtone.me (USD 110), form.me (USD 100), port.me (USD 100), mms.me (USD 0), and two.me (USD 0)

The other 79 names passed the deadline and will be reported once all the auctions are finished. They are expected to generate at least another 200000dollars4.me.

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3 Responses to “Results of the Grand.Me auction ever”

  1. 1
    Tim Marland:

    I knew you would be on it 😉

  2. 2
    Tim Marland:

    Do you have the total figures yet?

  3. 3

    Of-cour.se: http://dot-me.of-cour.se/2010/11/18/413136-usd-4-dot-me/


