.ME of course

Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget

.ME of course RSS Feed

3000.me ultimate hacked URLs based on suffexed.me

Interest.ing concept of making DIY jingling hacks based on two dozens of suffixed.me domains.

Using all the possible suffixes one can cover up some 34k+ words, like: priv.acy.me | loc.ate.me | accepta.ble.me | h.eal.me | pati.ence.me | differ.ent.me | japan.ese.me | expr.ess.me | smart.est.me | cheer.ful.me | choco.holic.me | irresist.ible.me | simpl.ify.me | attract.ing.me | modern.ise.me | young.ish.me | social.ism.me | capital.ist.me | effect.ive.me | magnet.ize.me | care.less.me | video.mania.me | accomplish.ment.me | fa.ncy.me | kind.ness.me | marvel.ous.me

Wordpress Hosting at GoDaddy.com

If you are willing to JV and help scaling up these ultimate portals, say http://capital.ise.me or http://glamour.ous.me - let Brands-and-Jingles know.

Of course e-mails like glamour@ous.me and read@ing.me do come along.

Considering the success of bit.ly, which received some $2m of seed money - the above.mentioned domains will great.ly serve your needs. All are now listed on glamour.ous.me/jingles

Act quick.ly while they are still available.

Bundled references:

Short link: [Facebook] [Twitter] [Email] Copy - http://links2.me/~5eR1$J0

One Response to “3000.me ultimate hacked URLs based on suffexed.me”

  1. 1

    Too see all 34k+ combinations, browse through: acy.me | ate.me | ble.me | eal.me | ence.me | ent.me | ese.me | ess.me | est.me | ful.me | holic.me | ible.me | ify.me | ing.me | ise.me | ish.me | ism.me | ist.me | ive.me | ize.me | less.me | mania.me | ment.me | ncy.me | ness.me | ous.me


