test.me is migrating from freetest.me.uk
As our earlier article predicted, .ME.UK is phasing out.
So freetest.me.uk, a free chlamydia testing distributor
soon will become test.me:
Expect more .me.uk to fall and .me to rise, because, in marketing, the good name makes a big difference.
Short link:
Copy - http://links2.me/~4we1$Et
June 15th, 2009 at 3:00 pm
Funny enough, freetest.me is forwarding for the moment to freetest.me.uk. One can only bet how long will it stay this way. In any case, they already use the e-mail: info@freetest.me.
January 3rd, 2013 at 7:05 am
cch.me.uk is now migrating to cch.me, which make more sense, though still not a perfect name for “city & county home improvements” company.