.ME of course

Jingling .me domains are impossible to forget

.ME of course RSS Feed

Draw Me

As seen on YouTube, an advertising featuring "Draw Me" slogan. Catchy indeed:

As domain draw.me is not release yet, so the guys are forwarding traffic their blog on makeacartoonyou.com, which then forwards those still interested to zwinky.com. Pretty complicated way to handle your new clients and is not smart at all from the marketing prospective.

Maybe, when they final.ly get hold of draw.me, the site will become user-friendlier.

Short link: [Facebook] [Twitter] [Email] Copy - http://links2.me/~rZe2$8d

One Response to “Draw Me”

  1. 1

    Sketch Me with some 170k+ fans on Facebook is worth the attention too:
    * http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=4260387428


